
I’m tired and might not make it through this post to anywhere meaningful.

  • been watching a lot of P&R in the background and forgetting it’s supposed to be background for playing stardew valley
  • been playing a lot of stardew valley. i…. this statement says way too much about me, but… I think my logged sdv hours might be getting to the point of overtaking my logged undertale hours.
  • did i tell you that i named my character “Garak” and gave him grey skin and bright blue eyes
  • and named his dog Jules
  • is that bad

I started running again this week. Dunno if it’s really Started Running or not, cause I should’ve today, already took a break due to bleeding earlier in the week, it’s a lousy and late start… but the weather has made it so much easier all of a sudden, fuck. Also… I think maybe busy season kind of helps, in some ways? It creates a mental stress that, even after 12- or 13-hour days, still makes me want to go home and go running just to purge my brain of those feelings. Except, ha, that was one day, that was yesterday and god it’d be nice if I could rely on that to recur but not today apparently. Too tired to run in the lovely weather, only to couchlock as soon as I get home and eat multiple kitkat bars and a couple truffles and a sub sandwich piece and GOOD GOD there’s so many leftovers in our fridge right now, and there might be more tomorrow. Fucking ridiculous.

Like…. there’s still that thai coconut curry soup + noodles…. there’s the very much bad shakshuka leftovers I haven’t been able to bring myself to clean up to free up the fridge space…. M brought home so much fucking work lunch goodness…. we have a lot of alcohol and mixers both in the fridge and in the cupboard. and then Rushi made a massive pot of bacon mac & cheese from scratch last night while everyone was over getting drunk (except me). and because they were all drunk, all the leftovers stayed here. holy shit it’s a lot. andย  my parents might bring by some homemade spaghetti sauce tomorrow!!! s.creme

work is wearing me out. i accidentally yelled at romulus earlier this week. i’m more forgetful. i feel like i’m really looking for more ways to leave early instead of just sticking it out. god, i’m so tired. I have about double these thoughts on each paragraph, but there’s no way.

i wish i could go shopping at the mall w/M like a plebe.

my tunesaudio earbuds already broke, after 2 uses and charges. and by “broke” they’re being poor-quality pieces of shit. back to fat can headphones around the apt i guess

rushi, rawr, and m all cuddled and almost fell asleep together. they were inviting and kind but i felt like i didn’t belong, and declined. rushi texted me to say thanks earlier today but i haven’t felt like conjuring a reply.

if i’m smart, tomorrow i’ll do my laundry, go for a run, deposit my paycheck. so much for wunderlist.

maybe i’ll get up early enough to acquire starbucks before work. hahah. i’m falling the fuck asleep. bye

P.S. the OPPOSITE of progress with work crush. back to no acknowledgement. i try to say hey when convenient but i’m busy and rushing all the time now. ?????????


uuuugggghhhhhhhhhh today was an extended mistake marathon. it could’ve been great, but no

breakfast: three eggs scrambled with black beans, shredded chicken, cilantro, canned diced fire-roasted tomato, and topped with yogurt; bowl of oatmeal; tea

snack: the rest of austin’s chocolates that he gave us from his trip, remnant of m’s nice chocolate, two small glasses of smoothie i made w/ half fruit juice, half heavy whipping cream base

dinner: “taco salad” thing–half lettuce, half toppings. a lot of the same toppings as from breakfast but with the addition of avocado and velveeta.

snack: parmesan garlic pita chips. the crunch provides stimulation while my hands are occupied doing necessary tasks in stardew valley.

aaaand then suddenly it’s 11:30. I’m pretty sure I just spent about 11 hours straight playing stardew valley and eating intermittently… or frequently. i feel awful. i went running yesterday for the first time in months so of course i gotta sit inside all damn day and eat convenient garbage until i’m overfull at 12am with salt-swollen fingers. ew.

but… i knew. i knew i was setting myself on this path, this afternoon. hunching over my computer at breakfast, coaxing it through some necessary updates after which i told myself i could play stardew valley… the mild discomfort of sitting in one spot, less than the discomfort of having a life and doing things that take energy. shit like this is why i gained weight, but in order to change that… i should’ve tried to listen to the parts of me that weren’t totally satisfied by playing this game, instead of basically drowning them in carbs. if I’d taken a minute to listen, maybe i could’ve stopped, stood up, given myself a chance to digest and re-orient, do something productive that was on my list for today. just… a chance, instead of the torpor of certainty. how the fuck am i ever going to get a job with health insurance in time if i can’t even control this?

things i didn’t get ready for tmrw: snacks, hair. i hope i still fit in my fucking clothes lmao


*remembers to change the iTunes equalizer to its ATH-AD700 preset this time*

i was all set to forever associate this song with being mildly angsty about Rushi, too. things seem okay now. not like the…. intensity, the anticipation of last week where work was just one unending obstacle to m and them hanging out and getting drunk, but like.. the curtness was more temporary than i thought. and they actually talked about it instead of it hanging there between them silently, for whatever that’s worth. hell, even i texted him tonight to say thanks for taking m home… since i was at work for literally 12 hours. 7:30 to 7:30. and yet, my body and mind didn’t feel ready to go to bed just yet, so here i am. idk if this feels restful, but hopefully it helps.

my sephora box came today! a day early. i masked and watched ds9 while trying to keep up with texting people (everything is …. everything i do feels like it comes from a sideways version of me, like I’m not really the one thinking about it, or like it’s all p much autopilot. i don’t have the energy to think about it, so i’m glad whoever’s taking over is secretly pretty much the same as the parts of me that didn’t feel like thinking about it consciously. ummm this is the worst parenthetical) and then tried out the new moisturizer. and then promptly cried on top of the moisturizer because how in the fuck could miles and keiko be so strong and sure in sending their so recently found daughter back to the unreachable place where she’d been lost to them before? anyway i also tried out as many perfumes as my arms had distinct spots for, and that was both exciting and…. skepticism-inducing. is buying perfume from sephora too basic bitch? am i secretly like five years too late to all of these perfumes and if i like any of them i’m probably wearing the same shit as some junior in high school somewhere? (wow. rich high schooler.) got more Decadence, though. i liked having that one around. and for fucking once, i might actually…. like the perfume from the sampler that i set out to like based on the description? most of the time i’m not good at that, like, at ALL.

cute boy alert: we passed each other twice in quick succession today. the first time we both said sorry with, like, smiling voices, you know? and the second time he just laughed aloud. i failed to make eye contact. he really is nice. i just don’t know if he means nothing by it, if it’s …. friendly, if he just wants to talk and respond and all that, or if it’s an expression of interest in more than that. and uugghhhh even if it were more than that (1) I kinda hate my body and can’t imagine anyone else enjoying it, and (2) remember what i was talking about last time with the dog chasing cars thing. i have such a strong feeling that if he actually had feelings for me…. i wouldn’t reciprocate, AND would have a possibility of getting in trouble at work. soooooo you know, that’s good. better keep pursuing him.

a couple nights ago… monday night? m and i actually talked, after one of her counselor appointments. amusingly enough, it started by dissecting rushi’s most recent messages at the time. she admitted that she still wanted to bang jm, despite everything, and no one was surprised ever…. but she was surprised by some of my responses, i think. she sounded very lonely and upset and trapped by her own thoughts and feelings, like, fear of fucking things up between us even worse than they already are. not knowing if the current lack of sex and sleeping in different rooms is permanent and feeling like she didn’t have the right to ask. it was… a surprisingly good and honest talk. it’s so rare that i talk about things with her and it doesn’t feel futile and cyclical, and/or like i’m somehow lying about myself or my feelings, whether through exaggeration or minimization. BUT since it was an overtime night and we also made roasted veggies before that and i did some of my laundry as well, we were up until 1 am in order to be able to talk. Boy, did I feel like shit on Tuesday morning. I’m really, really glad that today didn’t feel like that (although i gotta be careful how long i’m blogging here lmao) she said it was rly important to her to be in the same room–not necessarily the same bed or even cuddling, but same room–for sleeping. i forget what exactly i said but it seemed to me like there were some available solutions. she got kinda spiraly/cyclical in her arguments. and i helped her have a better theoretical discussion about fucking JM or not than her counselor had provided. idk if i can remember what else. it was a lot about our current status and stuff. i was honest about, or tried to be honest about, why i don’t enjoy sleeping with her, in her bed especially. we actually had different perspectives on things personal.

aww whaaaaaat i’m like 200-300 under the usual word count still but i think i should go.

the actual non-remix of Futile Devices (yes, more devices)

I guess I’m up this early because of tequila and pizza sending me and M to an early bed. God, I didn’t want or need that level of junk food, even if it tasted fucking delicious. and it was lovely to have K pick the episodes of Lost Girl, since I usually go for the same handful. five slices, man. FIVE SLICES.

sleep was rly weird last night, though. I kept having iterations of the same dream. being at work and running into cute coworker, or contriving to, or thinking about it. the building was totally different, though… it was almost like we were part of some weird fucking strip mall (why would anyone want us there) and if you walked far enough through our stuff, you’d come to a makeup store. not sure what was on the other side. despite that feeling of constantly waiting and contriving and being aware of him/his absence/whatever, my brain decided that he and i would barely ever run into each other, and if we did, like…. no words would be exchanged. how un-exciting and disappointing. at one point i woke up and refilled my water bottle and tried to talk at whatever part of my brain might be responsible for this travesty, letting it know that it would be more fun if there was kissing and/or sex involved. or to pick a different dream.

i didn’t get dream sex but i got a different dream. being in the city. i remember at one point being near some fucking… weird-ass trolley thing, the end of the track, in a big field kind of like at the Center by the fountain. except it felt like it was maybe slightly farther uptown. there was a… wall, maybe a tunnel where the trolley could come out, across the field. on the left, when it was approaching us + the end of the track, the art on the ground and on the trolley was of nyan cat. when it switched over to the track on the right to go back the other way, the art over there was of tac nayn, and the trolley would also transform to reflect this. so fucking weird. xD i love it. the next thing i really remember is being in a semi-shadowy room, lighting kinda scarce but giving a gentle, warm, reddish glow. like some of m’s string lights. could’ve been a remix of our place. probably was. rushi was there. we were all talking. m was lying on the floor between the couch and glass table for some reason, i was sitting, he was standing. at one point he struck up a conversation by asking if either of us had ever watched a show called “poops dumps”. that’s…. even funnier when i’m typing it out. neither m nor i had seen or heard of it, but my main response was to squeeze in next to m and say to her, “hi it’s vince with poops dumps” and cause (1) her to huff with anger and amusement, and (2) rushi to actually laugh at something we’d said. after everyone had recovered, he either described the show to us briefly or showed us a clip, and it was just…. people recording themselves on their phones while they took a shit. just faces, mind you, like any old selfie.

shortly thereafter, i woke up and took a shit, sans recording. lmao.

the other thing that was weird about sleep was the couple of times where, very briefly, i felt intense dizziness. it woke me up both times and was powerful enough that i felt anxious that i was going to have to throw up, but it abated so quickly. so weird. not sure if tequila-and-pizza-related, or maybe more just overtime stress-related. i’ve been surprised that i haven’t had MORE side effects of stress, honestly. haven’t been getting great sleep, pulling 12-hour days, all this ridiculous business with cute coworker keeping my heart rate up and my armpits way too sweaty, running up and down the stairs frequently. if the election was enough to make my chest feel like it was being squeezed to death, this…. what is this? not to mention how much drinking there’s been this week. my poor body. :/ i… need to work out. fuck. i need a doctor. i need a job with health insurance. i need the energy to job hunt and be a worthwhile candidate. i need a doctor. ๐Ÿ˜› OH almost forgot on top of these things, my fucking car started acting up again this week. i think i’ve isolated it to maybe only happening when i’m braking and going rly slowly and turning the wheel a certain amount, which is something i’ve noticed before…. it’s also a little delayed when i’m shifting gears. well. not just delayed. the rpms drop a startling amount. that’s the whole thing. it acts like it might stall–thankfully, i guess, hasn’t happened yet *knocks on wood and bird* and i feel helpless and terrified. what i need to do is look at the list of known issues from the place that sold it to me and make a phone call tmrw when the mechanic a few blocks over is open again. and do some more googling. jesus fucking christ. with the low mileage i bought it at, this was supposed to be a good fucking car that lasted and didn’t have a bunch of bullshit. fuck. </3 i’m sorry i don’t know how to handle you, at least not yet.

it would be good to go to the mall area today and buy some perfume and maybe stop by home depot and attempt, *attempt* to get some matches for the paint.

if busy season is going to give me another good paycheck or two, it would be nice to get a couple of bigger-ticket items. like finally getting my fucking tattoo, if my acne behaves long enough :P. like finally finishing the new build. and like…. if i took out of savings, i’d have enough for the tattoo whenever i wanted. god, do they even still have my art on file? it’s been almost two years since my initial appointment. what shitty fucking timing. if i’d gone in without a specific artist in mind, maybe i could have gotten it done before i got laid off instead of sitting on the waitlist until it was too late. and now, after having m snap that area repeatedly with a rubber band as hard as possible, i’m kind of terrified of how much it will hurt, or at least that i won’t be able to handle it. or both.

phone bill due soon. thinking about upgrading this os, starting to be less worried about app compatibility.

nobody would want *me* for a job, lbr. i will probably lose my parents’ health insurance and not have anything to replace it. oh good yes let’s overwhelm ourselves with helpless thoughts

waiting for the world to end

today sucked and I’m sad and post-stressed and hollowed out.

was i supposed to be able to follow grant’s instructions at that speed? maybe he was assuming i knew how to do a regular split. this seemed like a weird micro-double-split, from what i could follow. i wish i hadn’t spent the entire night on it instead of doing actual reasonable things. I feel useless and behind and stupid. I feel tired… i just want to sit forever instead of running up and down the stairs all day and hauling my stupid stretchy pants up over my hips over and over and over and over trying to prevent the material from making that snapping noise but really probably just gesturing and touching my body in a way that accentuates my fat and unattractiveness.

furthermore. cute coworker. FUCK. monday: i was doing something in the back room around 5:30, he passed through and remarked, “you’re still here?”, somewhat surprised. I aimed for some kind of indignant/snarky “Yeah!” and then gestured to him, intending to follow it up with something like “you’re one to talk!” but decided against THAT because he was obviously leaving, tried to run through different iterations of the flavor in my head… and ended up not saying ANYTHING. He waited a few moments through this display, then when it was clear I wasn’t going to say anything else, laughed a little and kept walking. Like the most awkward thing I could have done. I didn’t feel embarrassed or ashamed or anything (but maybe I just don’t know how it would feel if I did feel those things), I just felt AGITATED. I finally had a chance to talk to him and I fucked it up ROYALLY. Went home and drank a bunch of tequila with M and Rushi. Imagine my surprise the next day, when passing in opposite directions, and rather than the usual mutual ignoring I look at him and he’s looking at me and he WAVES?????????? Like, instead of saying anything, or smiling (idk, maybe there was a smile there), from a few feet away, he WAVES. who the fuck does that?! and why???????!!!!!!! I think I smiled or some shit. My conclusion at that point was that he was, idk, humoring me, maybe stooping to what was perceived as my level since I was pretty nonverbal the previous night. I fuckign. I. fuck. I don’t know what to think. I think that I’m a pathetic piece of shit and there are very few interpretations of my actions that paint me in a positive light.

I was literally rendered speechless my my work crush deigning to talk to me, and now… he acknowledges me sometimes? yesterday I saw him looking at me (or somewhere pretty dang close to me) from across the floor.ย  he waved again in passing, also. and did so again today. what does it meeeeeaaaaaan and you know what? More than that, what the fuck do I *want* it to mean? I’m all tied up in knots over this shit, weak-kneed at the timing and barest encounter, seeing his face across the room still always seems so… idk, it gets to me somehow. he just stands out, in a physical attractiveness kind of way. ๐Ÿ˜› …………… anyway, there’s that side of things, but then there’s the side of things that’s more…. me af, less like shallow infatuation and more just how i think. the part of me that fears him reciprocating any interest, or reciprocating to the extent that it’s beyond reciprocation because it’s actually one-sided at that point because all of my positive emotions toward other people are hollow constructs that collapse when challenged. because my emotions bottom out when it’s not a roller coaster. because, maybe, i reject people for liking me when they get to know me. sometimes to the point of literal nausea.

also also. even before this week, i’d kinda wondered if he was autistic or anything bc… gloves. always turning lights out in the break room when it’s just him. resting bitch face/frequently not responding verbally when i say something in passing, whether it’s “excuse me” or “sorry” or “good morning” or whatever. is it terrible of me to think that if he is, maybe i would have more of a chance? i guess i mean that more as like… it provides a particular framework for me to understand his actions that would be more likely to suggest his responses are actually positive, and not… pity, or something. or thoughtless kindness. i don’t know things. i don’t know anything. i wish i was high. i’m a selfish and self-centered person and not worthwhile. i am not worth living, in fact.

on top of that… car troubles again. it makes me feel so fucking anxious and upset, and all it takes is a tremor or two, a dip in the rpms when there should be none. the engine hasn’t stalled yet but there’s no engine warning light coming on but something was definitely up last night when i was pulling in. i’m scared of it happening again, smack dab in the middle of busy season, costing hundreds and me not knowing what to do and probably making a stupid scene at some mechanic’s, crying uncontrollably because i feel so out of my depth and, well, out of control. I mean, helpless.

and after staying at work until 7 every night… i have two hours to try to defrag before starting the whole thing over. i haven’t been very successful so far. i want to go to bed but i don’t want to fuck myself over for tomorrow… no clothes, i need a shower ofc, no snack foods yet… and of course my cracked tooth has started hurting again. everything sucks and i’m a weary knot of stress and waiting for the next blow. i guess that’s hypervigilance. and i cut for the first time this year, first time in a long time. i’m such a useless self-perpetuating machine. nothing i manage to make myself do is ever enough. maybe that’s why it gets managed.

i have socks and underwear to fold and put away, i could be cleaning my desk or my bathroom or the kitchen in anticipation of m’s coworkers coming over to drink on saturday night, but… here i am. and i don’t know if this is even helping. i think maybe it’s important to record, or useful or something, but retelling it doesn’t make me feel better the way talking about it sometimes can. i had the same sense earlier when talking to m about it, but then i thought it was to do with her being bad at the kind of sympathy and support i wanted, not with me being an isolated, inconsolable piece of shit.

i feel like i should be listening to the new music i bought, but it seems like listening to stuff i know might be more likely to help me feel something actually nice. right now i’m just kind of…. enduring.

wish me luck?

i have Everyday Devices stuck in my head for some reason

Dreams. I hope I can remember them.

One where M and I drove into… I guess the area where my elementary school used to be. And went to what must also have been an elementary school, even though i wasn’t thinking of it in those terms. But we were on a mission. we had a thing we’d brought from Ikea: this weird, massive, onion-shaped enclosure that I have no idea how we fit it into the car (since it was fully constructed when we got there) and it took up a whole room, swaying gently as it was suspended from the ceiling. The other thing, the more important piece, was….. this magnetic knife strip? For some reason, that was the thing it was really important to me that we share with the kids in this classroom. And that’s the other thing–it was a very specific classroom and teacher. We knew where we were going and where we were setting this up. And we’d set up the wooden hanging onion room already but not the knife strip when the teacher came over to be like “excuse me but wtf” so we told her, in what i recall being very optimistic terms, like “i want to share this with your kids” or “i want to make sure they have access to this” or something like that, something that sounded Big and Important. And somehow…. she was all for it! She completely bought it (i don’t know whether “it” was the truth or not) and then was like “but only if I get a realtor’s fee” or something like that. I was still worried she’d misunderstood about the knife strip and would freak out, started wondering if this classroom was too young to be handling blades (answer: it’s an elementary school, what was my brain thinking) when, as she was explaining or starting to explain what a realtor’s fee is (or perhaps she was handing it off to one of her students? or another teacher? at some point there were other teachers milling around and it was kind of like the setup of 4 classrooms, 2 grades per classroom that I had, and the teacher we were working with was the 3rd and i was relieved that we weren’t giving knives to the youngest group or something) but anyway as the explanation was taking place, i saw her bringing out a pile of big metal scissors, presumably to be moved into the new onion room. double relief. i feel kinda like i wasn’t supposed to question the knife strip, like it was maybe something else originally but my brain got it mixed up or something. the last thing i remember in this dream was realizing that my double bed was in there, and turning to M and saying “this means we have to ask my parents for their spare bed immediately” and then getting confused trying to think of how everything would shuffle around, but like, not questioning that my double bed was in this room that was going in an elementary school?

One of my later dreams…. is gonna be confusing. I was … huh. There was another, possibly related game dream, where M and I went to an actual fucking Gamestop to buy a game. And it was weird and the guys on duty (?) walked in right before we did, and I don’t remember a cash register being involved. or any of the normal annoying questions that accompany a purchase there. and then he had some kind of question, and i gave a weird/flirtatious answer–something that would have seemed weird if you were an innocent bystander who knew nothing about my relationship with m. it may have had something to do with a strip search? i don’t fucking know.

okay okay so the actual confusing dream may have shared a setup with that one… similar/nearby location.. hell, maybe it was in my old college town. but it also feels like where grammie used to live, at parts. anyway for whatever reason, there was a con or something going on and there was this… group i was going with, and then there was basically Everyone Else pitted against us. It looked like a lot of queer youth trying to protest non-violently. They tried on multiple occasions (but not very hard) to impede the passage of the group i was with. there were ppl in my group with more power than me. there were also ppl with less. maybe we were escorting a prisoner or something? but idk, that doesn’t seem quite right. at one point, though, the group got separated due to a couple ppl going off in different directions, and the rest of us splitting up to keep track of them/bring them back. it was during this period, i believe, that there was a bunch of stormy weather and we had to camp in some shitty woods for the night, or maybe just while the weather passed. but the guy i was following, he found this tiny little lizard and kept talking about it as it was pinched between his fingers. Bright green and blue. He gave it to me after a while and then was gone. like any small animal, this lizard hated being pinched between my fingers and kept thrashing around, trying to escape, trying to bite my fingers. i couldn’t tell if the lack of pain was due to the lack of power in its bite, or due to this being a dream. i remember being worried that it was going to hurt, though, thinking maybe he just hadn’t really gotten close enough to bite me for real yet. in my other hand, i held the blue spongy attachment for the dish scrubbing wand. i used it to try to prevent him from flailing so much, keep him still, keep him away from my fingers, with only mild success. i don’t remember how this one ended at all.

there was another one, the most recent one, but all i remember about it is that there were a bunch of us in a field, and i think a lot of them may have even been real people, but the only ones i remember for sure were me, m, and austin for some reason.

i just cried a little at the thought of ds9 ending. after looking up andrew robinson on imdb for whatever reason. god. i’m midway through the sixth season, and i’m scared that i’m too invested in certain characters to enjoy the rest as i should, that it’s going to be over too soon, before i’ve seen what i want to see because what i want to see has never existed there.

the haircut place is open now. i should call and try to make an appointment but that sounds scary. maybe instead i’ll sit here for another week, putting my hair up constantly, eating massive amounts of sugar every day, thinking about but not actually using my gym membership… why? why don’t i do things? it’s not like i feel a great amount of anxiety, i just…. don’t. talking on the phone feels too out of my control, i guess. at this point i expect an answer that won’t work for me. and i expect to be overheard by m while calling. i at least need to wash my hair before getting a haircut, though, and also need to wear appropriate clothes. oh, and put the example photos i saved into my phone so i can share them. as for the gym… i think about how much energy it’s going to take. how much of a slog it is to work out. my brain has successfully uncoupled that sense from the enjoyment and endorphins that usually accompany the slog… i guess those come along slightly later. but, god, i’m so unhappy with my body. another uncoupling of cause and effect, i suppose. i guess i should tell m not to bring me any more sweets from work lmao i sound like such a fucking middle-aged white lady.

there was something this week… m had a picture on her computer whose filename was “captain death” and i was trying to help her figure out why it would be named that. i searched our chat transcript logs from the year when she received it and the year after, and ended up reading some unrelated stuff. of course. it was entertaining toย  read myself being so… animated and clever about shit. and it reminded me that she and i used to talk all the time, like, SHARE things. and used to have things to share. things we felt like sharing. and idk, it reminded me a little of the romance we’ve had. it reminded me that it’s not gone, just kind of… forgotten. dissociated. ๐Ÿ˜› maybe rereading those could be helpful in the future… maybe. revisiting that shit has caused plenty of emotions across the board, that’s for sure.

am i going to do any of the things? ๐Ÿ™