
I’m tired and might not make it through this post to anywhere meaningful.

  • been watching a lot of P&R in the background and forgetting it’s supposed to be background for playing stardew valley
  • been playing a lot of stardew valley. i…. this statement says way too much about me, but… I think my logged sdv hours might be getting to the point of overtaking my logged undertale hours.
  • did i tell you that i named my character “Garak” and gave him grey skin and bright blue eyes
  • and named his dog Jules
  • is that bad

I started running again this week. Dunno if it’s really Started Running or not, cause I should’ve today, already took a break due to bleeding earlier in the week, it’s a lousy and late start… but the weather has made it so much easier all of a sudden, fuck. Also… I think maybe busy season kind of helps, in some ways? It creates a mental stress that, even after 12- or 13-hour days, still makes me want to go home and go running just to purge my brain of those feelings. Except, ha, that was one day, that was yesterday and god it’d be nice if I could rely on that to recur but not today apparently. Too tired to run in the lovely weather, only to couchlock as soon as I get home and eat multiple kitkat bars and a couple truffles and a sub sandwich piece and GOOD GOD there’s so many leftovers in our fridge right now, and there might be more tomorrow. Fucking ridiculous.

Like…. there’s still that thai coconut curry soup + noodles…. there’s the very much bad shakshuka leftovers I haven’t been able to bring myself to clean up to free up the fridge space…. M brought home so much fucking work lunch goodness…. we have a lot of alcohol and mixers both in the fridge and in the cupboard. and then Rushi made a massive pot of bacon mac & cheese from scratch last night while everyone was over getting drunk (except me). and because they were all drunk, all the leftovers stayed here. holy shit it’s a lot. and  my parents might bring by some homemade spaghetti sauce tomorrow!!! s.creme

work is wearing me out. i accidentally yelled at romulus earlier this week. i’m more forgetful. i feel like i’m really looking for more ways to leave early instead of just sticking it out. god, i’m so tired. I have about double these thoughts on each paragraph, but there’s no way.

i wish i could go shopping at the mall w/M like a plebe.

my tunesaudio earbuds already broke, after 2 uses and charges. and by “broke” they’re being poor-quality pieces of shit. back to fat can headphones around the apt i guess

rushi, rawr, and m all cuddled and almost fell asleep together. they were inviting and kind but i felt like i didn’t belong, and declined. rushi texted me to say thanks earlier today but i haven’t felt like conjuring a reply.

if i’m smart, tomorrow i’ll do my laundry, go for a run, deposit my paycheck. so much for wunderlist.

maybe i’ll get up early enough to acquire starbucks before work. hahah. i’m falling the fuck asleep. bye

P.S. the OPPOSITE of progress with work crush. back to no acknowledgement. i try to say hey when convenient but i’m busy and rushing all the time now. ?????????