birds just wanna have fun

things are pretty nice for the moment.

all the overtime finally, literally paid off, and i got a cool new rgb keyboard and some stuff from Lush. m & i went shopping tonight and my feet hurt now. m was bored as hell by the end of it, but it was really nice to go out and do fun weekend things with her instead of just sitting at home playing sdv or whatever. and it’s nice that it actually fucking feels nice instead of like going through the motions. shit, wait, was yesterday two years of official dating…?

the bag of lush stuff is making my room smell gr9

things have been surprisingly okay. for now. i don’t know why, but i’ve been less of an unrepentant bitch lately… i think. after reading an article about compassion meditation, i’ve had maybe 5-10 seconds total where i really put singular effort into thinking about how m might be feeling about x, and why, but really it doesn’t seem like enough time/effort to be effecting this difference. maybe it’s the result of increased talking about cute boys. maybe having more friends that aren’t just k helped me work on ways to relate differently/better… nah. maybe it’s the running? i do feel like less of a garbage can when I’m working out consistently, and thus less insecure/stressed/depressed at everything else. hell, maybe it’s the financial security/freedom of the overtime paychecks. And maybe it doesn’t matter, but god, to see this change in myself is kind of strange and unreal, small and quiet as it is. I just don’t want to lose it equally strangely and randomly. I want to be a better person to her. I want for boundary issues to be temporary issues, not these gaping setbacks for my emotional vulnerability. It’s so nice to be driving down the street, holding her hand, glancing at the lights in the night and feeling like this moment is enough. Not judging myself for feelings I can’t produce, not feeling like the most significant relationship of my life is a performance (along with everything else, but that one sucks the most to be performative), just… enough. Why??? Tell me how to hold on to you and duplicate these results. I guess I’ll just keep trying.

which is a humorous and great segue, because that rgb keyboard i mentioned earlier…. required a lot of try. i was working on it from right after work yesterday until i went to bed around 11-something, then working on it again this morning after i woke up and lounged a bit. Well, except it wasn’t really “lounging”; it was a depressive slump of feeling like it was pointless to get up but being too guilty about not doing productive shit to actually let myself fall back asleep. Troubleshooting computers is an exhausting pain bc of the combination of physical and digital components, I think–it’s a lot of gear-switching, and I’d have a much easier time sticking with one or the other. Last night, I made myself go to sleep by thinking “I give up on everything” a lot of times in a row. But yeah the slump, the sadness, the useless helpless tears. It seems comparable to the trope of the “smart student” whose obedience and ability to get from point A to point B the quickest was rewarded in school, but who perhaps never learned to stick with things when they got hard. Didn’t develop whatsit, ~grit~ or ~perseverance~ or any of that. Failure-avoidant, self-defeating with learned behaviors.

I stuck with it, though…. at the cost of going on my run (second time this week), but I asked for help, combed through all the details, tried to write a good forum post. I stuck with it at the cost of becoming very one-track-minded and not having the energy to do multiple other things simultaneously, it seems.

so much to do for tomorrow…. not sure how much i can much cleaning. Could do laundry, could scrub toilet + shower, could pick up clothes on floor. Need to run, ofc. Could stand to maintain some of this body hair, too.

all right. time to freakin’ sleep. remind me to talk about m + weed later.

this goose is cooked

ulllllll my penchant for becoming more candid the later it gets really clashes with my being tired when it’s late, these days.

  • i started running again. (wait, i haven’t posted on here since i started, have i…?) I haven’t done great… I’m still not up to my target distance, and I’ve taken more than 1 day off in the past week. but it’s still a drastic change from the nothing that came before. and it’s kind of amusing and cool that i started doing it in the middle of busy season. seems like it’d be easier to find excuses then, you know, but honestly? it’s easier to make myself just do the thing when i’m already on borrowed time for what little time is mine every night. it’s also easier when there are Specific Other Things going on to also squeeze in… if ppl are coming over, i can’t just let my life expand to fill the available time without actually completing some of those things. it’s a good reminder of how to stay distracted from the pit of nothingness that i’m really good at.
  • running has made me really genuinely tired every night. kinda cool, kind of annoying.
  • running and busy season can’t stop me from scarfing down whatever leftovers M makes available to me. and sometimes my cravings even after that are, like, fucking ridiculous and i cave so quickly. maybe because i’m tired? i’m not sure. but yeah tonight i ate maybe 3/4-1 cup of rice, the side portions filled with pickled red cabbage and cucumbers and whatever else, a half of a fancy sandwich, literal bites of fancy cheese off a block M was snacking on, and a bowl of smorz cereal… with a little bit of cream added to the milk. my stomach is still full. i had been resisting getting a snack (oh! and 3 pieces of a kitkat bar) for long enough, and thinking about it long enough, that when i finally got up to go make the smorz, my stomach was like “hey buddy, don’t worry about it, i’m good after all” but my brain was like “NOPE NO GOING BACK NOW YOU’RE GONNA MAKE THIS SNACK AND LIKE IT” so. ulllllll
  • so much housework i should be doing and am not. mostly…. vacuuming. the living room is super dirty and there’s ants. i wish m would do more without prompting, but can’t blame her for being too tired. i don’t have the energy most nights after doing OT.
  • i need to get a different fucking job. pretty much all i’m qualified for is like my old position but at bigger, less cool companies, and probably more stressful. i…. don’t know enough to know how valid my anxieties are, but i’m kinda afraid of linkedin, and worry that the absence of certain things will make me subtly less attractive as a candidate. it seems like a bit of a different social network.
  • no matter how much i squeeze and press and pinch, the lump on my sternum does not pop or bleed or go away. so maybe it’s more cancer on top of the ugly-ass mole we know and love.
  • tomorrow is only thursday. good fucking god.
  • things 100% stagnated with work crush. he stopped smiling and waving at me after the first few days and returned to RBF. was briefly gratified today when i turned the corner to the stairs just as he was on the last few steps and i said “oop, sorry” and he also said “sorry”, but his voice kinda squeaked or broke when he did so? it was very cute and i want to believe it was an indication of him also crushing on me. i fucking wish…. i guess. i think that fantasizing about him is still one of the more exciting things in my mind, but that perhaps my overall excitability has waned a bit? or maybe this is just the lull between old fantasies and the next high. (i have been fucking myself more since i started running again, so…?) whatever it is, it’s still enough to put Hot Thoughts on repeat for entire afternoons at work and be constantly back-burner thinking of him, like a compass needle.

so tired.