going to a place

wow, it has almost been a month. hewwo

  • I’m getting out of my current job, finally, for something that pays slightly better and HAS BENEFITS oh god I can finally maybe go to therapy and/or get an antianxiety med and/or antidepressant! also, work-life balance and more interesting coworkers. I…. don’t know how to come out to them as polyam but might just kinda… go for i. anyway, my last day here is wednesday, then I start there on friday.
  • r’s been sick all weekend and i’ve been taking care of him. it was very cute to see him soft and vulnerable like that. it was a lot of mutual affection. also, one day when he was feeling better, he ate me out until i came, so that’s a milestone. i high-fived him and then ate an ice cream cone. he also helped me wiiiiiith….
  • making a beagle bagel shirt design for M. I made a version to go on darker and a version to go on lighter. finally, 3-4 wks of drawing nothing but beagles has paid off…. although it still looks weird and clipart-y and amateur as fuck, you know that right? but I fucking did it. soon, 14 people will have proof. ordered and everything. tomorrow, printing a porygon.
  • so sleepy. i have clothes picked out for tomorrow, a decent idea of what to do for….

I fell asleep there and hit the “i” key a bunch of times. my last day was yesterday, then i went to a show with r, then stayed up until 2 helping him pack his room to move bc he had a flight to catch today at 4. got it done. came home. ate snacks, took a nap until like 4:15. trying to be productive now. I can’t believe I start a new job tomorrow… it’s going to be such a longer commute. and i haven’t done this kind of work in years, what if I actually suck? 🙁 I need to prepare on many levels.