sleeping at home for the first time in a while. sleeping by myself for the first time in a while.

today was my day off. it went by so fast. i had many ideas for how to spend it creating things, but instead, all my time went into driving and consuming things.

i’m surprised the doctor didn’t chastise me about my diet more. i expected ….. something something bmi, something something weight loss-oriented wrapped in “health concern” but when i described what i eat she had basically no criticism. i was the one offering little critiques.

i want to try to turn the matchstick cargo pants into shorts. i’ll lose the pockets unless i remake them, but it’ll be worth it.

i got more sleep last night and the night before and actually sort of dreamed for once, but i don’t remember what about. i know r was there.

i hope i don’t disappoint him. i’m always worried that if one of the main ways he compliments me is to say i’m “nice,” then…. he may not end up having a good time.

bupropion is aight so far, sort of leveled off. i feel that same manic depressive episode sometimes still, tho. even just being here tonight, realizing it wasn’t temporary.

dealing with roomies is hard. they seem to be….okay with the sink being full of dishes most of the time. I get so worked up and then … nothing, you know?

sleepy. good nite