one minute

this weekend didn’t start out nice, but ended up pretty great.

  • i freaked out at r for leaving for walkies w j, after me (long ago) expressing enjoyment of and interest in going on walks w him and him ending up being like “actually walks are alone time”, although come to think of it there were other things that day… the basement flooded and he, j, and i were the ones to clean it up (i found it and dumbly asked “um… did people already know there’s water on the floor downstairs, or … ?” like wow way to be smart about home maintenance and how other ppl would respond) and neither of them said a word to me the entire time, they worked together and i was off in a corner doing my own thing trying to help and had to keep asking what i should do… so i felt like i was being left out of things already that day
  • i stayed mad on and off until yesterday, when after work r was like “hey do you want to walk w me?” and idk, at first i wasn’t into it bc we were going on a very Functional Walk that he would’ve done anyway, but i could see that he was trying to figure out how to do something nice and relevant to make me feel better, and i appreciated that.
  • while we were out i visited a new bubble tea place and it was… aight. i ordered online for pickup and ended up having to go into the store to prompt them to start my order, and then they still fucked it up. also, salted partly whipped whipping cream is a very weird topping.
  • i took naps on… both friday and saturday? or both thursday and saturday? i think friday and saturday. what with r’s new job, it’s hard to do whatever i want if i have days off during the week. and then sometimes i just get sleepy.
  • today i participated in a virtual race thing w/my fam. i haven’t been exercising mostly and it was tough, and i have a blister on my heel bigger than a quarter and 4x as thick at the bubbliest point.
  • i miss exercising. i felt the good body drugs at the end, walking home, and was kind of floating. god, i used to do that every day.
  • after working out, i took it extremely easy all afternoon with a little sdv and a lot of online shopping. i think i figured out some mechanical keyboard plans, which is nice. it’s a black hole and it gets prettier to me with every passing day.
  • last night i finished my 2013 playlist and accompanying album art. really it only needed a few finishing touches…. or idk, maybe i could’ve done a lot more, but i feel like this is sufficient.
  • r’s been really nice to me. i want to make him good noodles and be supportive of his work.
  • i have been prescribed upper body pt exercises, so i gotta keep up on those, too.

thank goodness the monster i was drinking from like 3:30-7p is apparently not keeping me up

oh, also—pretty sure i forgot to take my meds today. :/ bitch please… please………..

time for <5 hrs of sleep!