you’re dreaming

what a fucking weekend.

r has been here since thursday, more or less. When he asked about hanging out that day, I felt sad at the time bc he hadn’t been texting me hardly at all and I felt very unwanted and like things weren’t working. More specifically, he went from texting very frequently  about sex at the end of a week-long denial thing  leading up to me domming him, to being very hard to hold a conversation with. Anyway, I was also coming down with a cold that day, so I tried to beg out by using that as an excuse–especially since he didn’t even ask to come over to see me, he asked to come hang out at our place to play video games instead!–but he took it as a “need soup?” kind of thing where he could make it easier for us to hang out. and i didn’t fight him on it. (that soup was fucking delicious and hearty, btw. I’m eating some of the leftovers from that right now.)

he stayed over that night (stayed on the couch bc of my coughing, said “goodnight love” when I was going to bed) and came back the following night, Friday night, purportedly to “swing by” and get his earbuds. when I arrived, it became clear it was slightly more than one swing, since he was playing his new video game. I spent maybe 30-45 minutes agonizing over how best to corral everyone for the night, and messaging M about it. Then she got it in her head (apparently based on a misinterpretation of something I said, a misinterpretation that I should probably correct) that I was unhappy and uncomfortable with some kind of overarching, general dynamic between her, me, and R. All I meant was that everyone else seemed very “whatever” that night, and I didn’t want to try and fail to be the glue trying to make everyone enjoy an activity that I picked for the night if no one else was going to care or try or want to be there. ANYWAY. M interpreted it as she did, and as a result, decided Friday was the night to have her talk with R to let him know she wasn’t interested in him romantically. Or.. however she phrased it. Couldn’t do romo with him right now.

She told him to stay put, and I proceeded to have a very awkward/guilty/unhappy time as I bundled up to leave the apartment and let them talk alone, fielding questions from him like “is M all right?” and other related shit I don’t remember. At the end, I basically told him I had an idea of what she wanted to talk about, but didn’t want to get up in their business, and tried to apologize for being bad at knowing how to talk about this. Like, shit, is there any way to have this dynamic, where I have more knowledge of partner A than does partner B, about things that partner B wants to know/are going to directly affect partner B very soon? It was really difficult to talk about without either feeling like I was lying to him, or like I was very obviously skirting giving him bad/unpleasant news. And the obviousness is… it feels like it almost defeats the purpose of trying to set the boundary, doesn’t it? Like because I’m refusing to tell him, that probably means it’s bad news, so I’m still actually telling him SOMETHING and then he gets to just sit and marinate in the unknown bad thing, knowing I could have told him more. uguhhghhhh. Buuuut he actually handled it well? Seemed appreciative of me communicating as I did, and not more apprehensive as a result.

I left to go look at holiday lights and drink in the city in the dark. I had barely made it to my intended destination before he texted saying he “rediscovered booze” and wasn’t going to be able to make it home tonight like he’d planned. Not surprising in and of itself. Heh, oh, and before that… I was using Spotify to listen to music on my phone, but about 4 stops away from my transfer, the music suddenly stopped, and the app started telling me what was playing on the dining room speaker. “This Magic Moment” – Lou Reed. Looked up the lyrics because despite my boundary-ing earlier, I’m a nosy, insecure bitch. Felt… hurt. Started thinking the usual shit about how he likes her way more than me, how I don’t really know him and he doesn’t share much with me/I don’t bring out his desire to share things like this, etc. Tried to make myself look away, sort of succeeded but then Spotify started giving me fucking notifs for the Hamilton mixtape. Fucking shit. I didn’t really know what to make of that, aside from that they probably weren’t talking as much and he was still hanging around/hadn’t left in sadness/upset of some sort.

After he started texting, I started drinking. I walked somewhere quiet in the bowels of the park where no one else could see me and I had a shit view of the city, and pulled out my flask. Tried over and over to imagine how things were going to go from here on out, what I should say or expect, how to try not to be a dick or sad/desperate about it. Then… he texted to say they were getting along and would be happy to have me come back. First, I cried from relief and pent-up anxiety. Then, I drank a bunch more and walked around my old neighborhood, thinking about my feelings and about them. It was cold and beautiful out. I walked all the way to the cemetery and sneaked in to drink, only to get scared off by a group of raccoons. lol. by then it was like 11 pm anyway, so I opted to head back home. when I got in, they were cuddling! on the couch. and watching bojack, and there was pizza. i joined them, feeling kinda unsure and alone. ate 3 slices of pizza. was very drunk and tired. r left at some point to go sleep in my room. m and i stayed out until maybe 1:40, then she tucked me in and left for her room too. i was asleep out on the couch until like 4:30, when R came out to trade me places. slowly. 😛 apparently he was awake and cuddling me until i left for my room–i have no idea how long that was, and it’s so weird that he was awake while i was asleep. usually he’s better at sleeping than i am. dammit, i wanted to come in and cuddle you. i think. i was just scared and tired and trying not to be a selfish dick about anything at the time, to just pay attention.

woke up around 8 the next morning, totally unable to go back to sleep. laid there trying to think about things, but didn’t get v far before r also woke up and came in to cuddle/sleep more/say hey. at least he came in. i was on point that morning. funny and felt like i had things to say. he asked… heh. he asked at one point if there was anything i needed from him and i gave my stupid general answer, something like “if you like me and like spending time with me, that’s what’s important.” i… want to talk to him about things more specifically than that, but I guess I’m waiting for myself to figure out the parts that should actually be on him and not me. Some of it is just me being insecure, and that’s not necessarily on him? What tools can I give him to communicate his end of things better with me, if he so chooses? What’s helpful/necessary to communicate with him about this, and what’s too much?

I feel insecure a lot of the time, and it’s not that I want him to spend more time on me irl or through texting, necessarily–after a weekend together I’m usually super ready to do something else, ASIDE FROM this super fucking inconvenient sadness that overwhelms me and spills out multiple times in a day during his absence and brings me back to thinking about him. like I’m doing now. What reassurance could he possibly offer? How is it his fault that I’m always expecting now to be the beginning of the end? What words, what behavior could plug that hole?

heh, well. today it didn’t help that  last night he was like “weh let’s do this tomorrow morning instead” when i wanted to fuck, and then this morning he paid a little bit of lip service to us fucking but i wasn’t ready bc I was still eating breakfast/dealing with my cold, then when he realized how late it was, wanted to get up and leave immediately. Except for he didn’t leave for another two hours, just hanging out reading on his phone around Eric and M. This is probably totally that thing in couples where if you have unlimited access to one thing, you get bored of it. sorry i’m boring you. sorry i’m super fucking attracted to you all the time and turned on around you at the drop of a hat. sorry i can’t live up to all the porn you consume. i want to learn how to be a better dom, want to be sharper and better at dirty talk, better at making up scenes and pushing your buttons, but…. if you’re not into me, working hard to be a better lover isn’t gonna do shit. if you’re tired of sex with me, your appetite for novelty is going to outpace my ability to learn and implement new things, at least for a while. i can see getting to a point where novelty itself comes easier to me, spontaneity is smoother, etc. but hell, this is so…. adhd brain of him. he’s seeking stimulation. i’m veering into conjecture and blame. i still feel hurt and sad and alone. he hasn’t said shit since leaving today, and i don’t know if it’s because he went home and took a nap, or if he’s playing Running With Rifles some more, or if he’s visiting his grandmother, or if he’s doing drugs, but….. when he’s not around, he doesn’t think about me much. adhd brain. seeking stimulation. onto the next thing.

it would be easier to deal with that if i felt like he wanted me when he *was* around. i don’t know if he gets as much out of being around me as I get out of being around him, and it makes it harder that he says things that sound so Big and then it turns out he was just feeling something in the moment and spoke his mind and it doesn’t actually apply later.

still didn’t actually finish recounting the weekend.

woke up saturday. hung out w/him in bed until like 10 or 11. got up, had breakfast soup and m even came out to say hey and eat soup with us. he started gaming after food…. i was…. not sure what to do. ended up cleaning my room and making a blanket fort, then washing my face and doing skincare and makeup until like 5. people started arriving around 6. i started drinking. monster factory until k showed up super late, then we all went to fred meyer. r stayed sober to drive. the trip took way longer than expected bc m had a bunch of trouble with her cards and ended up not being able to buy everything she expected. by the time we came back, it was 10 or 11. made burgers, ate them, r immediately went to bed, i didn’t really care to hang out but stayed until k left. we were playing rock band. not like… a terrible night, but god, i wasn’t feeling it. my whole life feels like meaningless bullshit right now. i’m not doing anything worthwhile, or not enough worthwhile things, so the things i want to enjoy are hollowed out, filled with unrelated “should”s.

my entire life by myself feels like a bunch of unmet expectations rn, honestly. if i could cut my hair, shower, wrap presents, and do one interesting/unique/non-subsistence thing on top of all that…. i might be satisfied for the night. it’s only 7, it’s not unfeasible.

now it’s 7:20.

P.S. 1) originally posted dec. 17, 2017, at 7:17 PM. 2) just wanted to add that after taking a nap this afternoon (to avoid my deep sadness), I kinda get one way how sleep and adhd might go well together. it definitely sets off some feel-good chemicals of some sort or another.