
tell me what information i’m missing, then. bc right now, my context looks a lot like this:

you became physically entangled with me and my gf around the same time. i know there was a certain amount of chat and text predating physical stuff b/t you and her, which makes a difference. m and i share things, so of course i saw a lot of these texts–threads full of innuendo and more than innuendo. i’ve seen what you’re capable of when interested, when flirting. somehow that never really got turned on me for more than a few seconds at a time. how am i supposed to feel when i tried so hard to get your attention, to point my sexuality at you and have any response in kind, and failed? how am i supposed to feel when my more risqué selfies get literally the barest acknowledgment, but if she says or texts anything with potential to double entendre, you’re ALL the fuck over it? That tells me that you think of her in a certain way that you don’t think of me. That you don’t want to think of me. How does trying and failing to get you interested in doing things for me, by doing things to excite and pleasure you, fit into you wanting me? I can’t remember the last time you said you wanted me that was outside of one of these stupid, tearful conversations. “conversations”

i can’t say i’ve ever gotten the idea that you had this “problem” before in relationships. am i wrong, or does it just happen to just be me?

am i just… bad to talk to in this way just like every other way? yeah. i should kms when i get the chance to not be a burden to my family anymore.