had a fantastic weekend w/r. originally the whole house was supposed to go, but d/t smoke theirs got canceled. our reservation was non-refundable, so we figured what the hell, there’s ac. things cleared up basically the same night we left.

we basically slept, fucked, ate, drank and poked around town. ideal. altho i feel gross abt how much i’ve eaten. that’s the most sexual attention i’ve gotten in uhhhh a while. i’m sore. xD and yeah, i do feel less insecure for the moment. on saturday he had to call j bc she needed a particular login, and after we had a tiny exchange like:

him: “J is so friendly.”

me: “Yeah, she’s pretty great.”

him: “I like her a lot.”

me: “She really likes you, too.”

him: pauses for a sec. “It’s so weird and rare to have friends I *don’t* wanna fuck. Do you do that, too?”

which was a smooth indirect way of handling it even if direct would’ve made me feel better

we also saw such incredible stars. the sky was so clear, in contrast to this last week, and the moon wasn’t up at all. even from inside the car, i could see the milky way at a glance.

the drive back was beautiful. seriously, just…. so idyllic. we took backroads for a significant part and i was really glad we took the car w awd. saw parts of here that i’ve never seen. it was a very beautiful early fall day, sunny and warm with a little wind. the trees crowding the road turned the pavement into a shadow-dappled moving scene.

a really beautiful break from reality.

now we’re back here, with rbg’s death heavy… and m got laid off on friday. i hope she stays motivated and that her friends in the industry help her out. so now only 3/5 house ppl have jobs. i’m afraid that she’ll need help and i won’t be able to offer the same level of help that she offered me back in the day bc our house is so much larger.

after we got back tonight, i finally put my shoes through the washing machine. i really fucking hope it helps. i need to fold laundry and help clean up in here so that r has a good workspace for his new job tmrw. and then this week i need to do the paperwork for my initial pt visit.

i also managed to squeak in cleaning the downstairs bathroom before the changeover tmrw, so that felt good.