pre-sleep blogging

today was…. a lot. i probably won’t get through most of it.

Woke up at 7:30 to get M to her DOL test thing. Was immediately grouchy at both of us not knowing where to turn in, causing me to have to find a place to turn around. came back and was grouchy that m needed help knowing how to cook eggs in the pan–well, no, it was less that she needed help and more that she was also complaining to me about it while she did it in this particular way that’s like an excuse disguised as a complaint, like. I don’t care! I wasn’t gonna judge you for not knowing this shit, and I feel irritated when you then bring this shit to me + lay it at my feet like it has something to do with me. I cannot handle being the emotional support and the didactic teacher or guardian at the same time, honestly.

Then we had to go back out for more DOL shit, and due to a wait time that she and I should have expected (but didn’t because she didn’t do ANY research beyond cursory location info before bothering me to go anywhere and because I’m thoughtless and didn’t remember that would be worth checking) I went home before she did, but without my damn house keys. So… I hung out in the rain for 20-30 minutes, dressed in my garbage pajamas. Yay.

Since then, it’s been a mildly fraught household. The usual tiptoeing and tea-drinking and avoidance/shrinking away. Just gotta try to give her the chance to be a “big girl,” as she tries to improve on things.

I went shopping for roasted veggie ingredients, so that was nice.

yep already falling asleep and i haven’t even gotten to the list yet

the list

of things i want to do tomorrow but probably mostly won’t get to

  • run
  • laundry
  • take rest of pics for TCE
  • organize stack of papers on/under my desk

kbai before i fall asleep