things are pretty dece. i’m at r’s place after drawing. it took about 30 minutes for me to settle on a youtube video to put in the background that was calm and mildly interesting but not too demanding. i thought of so many things i could watch if i wanted to just watch—ahhhhh here we go, now that i’ve gotten comfy, r is home. i don’t know how to share space effectively with him. he doesn’t want to watch makeup videos lmao ok i’m turning it off

in the last month, i’ve had about 10x the medical appointments that I had in the preceding 2 years. gp, pt, bh. it’s weird and kind of stressful and time-consuming, but still very very good and important. i haven’t been applying myself to the cbt worksheets and trying to remember/implement any of it, but i can tell that like… the framework is useful, if i choose to apply myself to it.

even better, i’m finally in physical therapy. #bless. the first guy i saw was dismissive of my back pain and said something ridiculous along the lines of “well, sometimes people get back pain because they’re sad–your back pain could be happening for literally any reason” yeah ok but as the owner of this flesh prison, i’m telling you that the pt exercises previously assigned me for acute issue #1 were exacerbating acute issue #2, and that’s why I fucking stopped doing them, and stopping the exercises relieved the tightness (for a long while… until it didn’t.) the second lady was like “yeah so if you’re not engaging muscles in your hip when you’re supposed to, the lower back on the opposite side can definitely overcompensate and develop bad habits” like wow!!!! great to have confirmation after several years, but also, great to be listened to on a very basic level! so yeah basically i have a bunch of exercises now that i’m going to be doing for the rest of my life… and ideally, continuing to push myself to do more sets and with higher band resistance levels.

what else… hmm… it seems like my fear of abandonment is actually like this giant thing simmering under the surface at all times. The sense I get is that the CBT exercises we are playing with aren’t meant to necessarily be that difficult…. but I’ve found a few things that reliably upset me strongly, when prodded in the right direction. it seems like it’s not just normal sads.

ugh. i think r is home but thinks i’m asleep so he’s avoiding the bedroom. i want to go to bed, so i’m going to go brush my teeth now.

wish i would start using my planner more. cbt made that feel more accessible, too, maybe.

it’s a good thing today was my day off already, or I’d have to take it off probably. or idk, maybe would’ve just wished i had.

i don’t know what to say. i’m kind of forcing myself to do this, because so far all i’ve done today is lie around my room being sick, and then being miserable because i’m not doing anything. nothing sounds good. nothing feels exciting or interesting, except maybe reading a book, but even then it’s like a hypothetical book. i feel like boring, worthless garbage. when you really get to know me i’m not fun. i’m not thoughtful. i’m not anything. i can’t decide what to do, so i don’t do any of it. i’m not learning. i’m not trying.

is it bc i’m sick? bc i forgot my meds on monday? bc my uterus is probably getting warmed up to shit itself to death? some/all of the above???

i tried shopping for materials for my xmas gift ideas. i have a bunch of mediocre tabs open.

i could work on cutting my hair, if i wanted to be exhausted from raising my arms up to head level in front of the mirror for the next hour and a half.

i could finish folding laundry…. horror of horrors


sleeping at home for the first time in a while. sleeping by myself for the first time in a while.

today was my day off. it went by so fast. i had many ideas for how to spend it creating things, but instead, all my time went into driving and consuming things.

i’m surprised the doctor didn’t chastise me about my diet more. i expected ….. something something bmi, something something weight loss-oriented wrapped in “health concern” but when i described what i eat she had basically no criticism. i was the one offering little critiques.

i want to try to turn the matchstick cargo pants into shorts. i’ll lose the pockets unless i remake them, but it’ll be worth it.

i got more sleep last night and the night before and actually sort of dreamed for once, but i don’t remember what about. i know r was there.

i hope i don’t disappoint him. i’m always worried that if one of the main ways he compliments me is to say i’m “nice,” then…. he may not end up having a good time.

bupropion is aight so far, sort of leveled off. i feel that same manic depressive episode sometimes still, tho. even just being here tonight, realizing it wasn’t temporary.

dealing with roomies is hard. they seem to be….okay with the sink being full of dishes most of the time. I get so worked up and then … nothing, you know?

sleepy. good nite

what an accident

so i’m on bupropion now. the jury is still mostly out, but i want to document the effects so far.

days 2-4 i probably had some placebo effect shit going on. v talkative, energetic, although the events of that weekend may have contributed to energy levels.

every day so far i’ve noticed a mild headache within a few hours of taking it, and along with it/in the same time frame every day, my right lower lid tics frequently. it’s still doing it rn though, ten hours later.

less consistent but still uhh persistent, stomach pain. i started bleeding last thursday and took ibuprofen as is my wont, and i’m pretty sure i got an ulcer??? it hurt like fuck through yesterday basically, making it hard to wear tight waistbands and giving me strong spasm-y pain if I didn’t constantly find gentle foods to cram down my gullet. it was the worst at night, when i slept and was therefore not eating constantly. i’ve never had that reaction to ibuprofen before, and i didn’t even take as much ibuprofen as i usually do. nor was it combined with alcohol. i think this was the bupropion.

there’s only a few noticeable effects on my mood so far. one, my lows are more… energetic, more anxiety-flavored. i feel more like i might scream or do impulsive bad shit in those dips. otherwise, i don’t…… think this is the entire cure for me. i think a lot of my feeling unhappy, withdrawn, isolated etc comes from attitudes and experiences, not just a chemical imbalance. so it’s a good thing that the clinic called me yesterday to schedule a therapy-esque appointment… although it’s unclear if they offer a brief free meeting to see if it’s the right fit. it’s a great thing they called and said i have to call them back.

getting more sleep the last couple of days has also helped somewhat. I’m still tired in the afternoons when i get home from work, don’t get me wrong, but so far this week has been more manageable than previous. bonus: since i’m doing my best to stay awake after getting home, i’ve been making tiny baby ant steps towards actually doing things during daylight hours, rather than playing sdv out of fear? i folded my laundry this afternoon and wrote the above medication diary thing, so that’s…. part of what i wanted to do. need to do pt and walk places, and maybe work on cleaning off my desk a little more. i’d love it if i actually did more things before it got later…. i can’t believe i already got off work like three hours ago. jfc.

things with r are sort of looking up. he keeps showing up and doing the work, showing that he wants to be there. sometimes i’m afraid that i don’t want to be there.

e.g. last night we had a “discussion” about whether covering viral stories detracts from “real journalism” and like. what i told him afterwards is that while i appreciate that we can talk about these things in an even tone and be civil about our disagreements, it still makes me feel less close to him. like, it’s exhausting, and if he’s judging journalists for caring about things in a way he thinks is wrong/wasteful, then…. I worry that I could be on that chopping block, that I’m defending myself in addition to these people. you know what was wasteful? having a whole drawn-out, extremely emotionally controlled and detached conversation about this shit. who cares if they reported on something you don’t care about? the news isn’t just for you.

sometimes now he’s actually even interested in engaging me sexually. it’s nice. when it seems like he’s genuinely interested, even a little, it makes me happy pretty much instantly. i’m not sure how much of that comes from him denying himself and forcibly redirecting that energy towards me. i don’t know how much of it is real or sustainable, or what’s really going on in his head on this front. but sometimes, it’s nice. that’s all.

the other thing that bothers me is that he keeps casually bringing up kids. i get nervous bc shit, i’ve been ruminating over this for how long now? i don’t want kids. i don’t want to spend my time on that. and every time i bring it up, he punts.

so yes, those are my worries. BUT at the same time… he cares about me. when i’m sad (and I’m sad a lot lately) he’s there for me and does things just to cheer me up. he’s sexy and smart and relatable. i mean shit, i get his attitude wrt the journalism thing. he’s self-aware in a way that i remember seeing in myself. and he is straightforward and loyal in ways i really fucking appreciate.

i want to be there for him, too. just… not at my expense, if he’s hoping a switch will flip in my uterus and i’ll just turn into a baby-craving mommy goblin, then we’re going to have a bad time. but anyway yeah, i think i could be doing more to be… fun and asking good questions, continuing to get to know him, helping him out with cleaning the mess i create at his place, finding cute internet shit to show him, supporting him w his health goals, taking care of myself so i can (secondarily) be a better partner.

guess i could uh.. go work on that now

(look at me, publishing a post BEFORE falling asleep on it!)


it’s kind of impressive. when i come home, it’s much easier not to feel immediately upset. I feel almost normal, if slightly avoidant. but as soon as i get to work–and then all day at work–I’m off-and-on fighting tears.

my supervisor, who has worked here for several years, is leaving. we found this out monday, although it sounds like she’s known for a while and been planning for as smooth a transition as possible. she is only being “replaced” by my coworker who does not have the same education, experience, or knowledge she does. don’t get me wrong, he’s a cool and reliable guy, but he’s not going to be able to be a resource in the same way she was. and suddenly, after only a year’s experience, i am going to be the second most senior person on the team, and together, the previously mentioned coworker and I are going to have to train three new people. current supervisor is leaving in two weeks. i don’t feel capable or qualified to help them, and I am really not looking forward to having sup’s body of knowledge basically 1) partially disseminated among multiple people in upper management and 2) just fucking lost. there is no one else here who can do what she can do. i may be able to find people to answer questions i would have fielded to her before, but it’s going to be more of an effort to contact them, and it’s up to me and coworker guy to answer most of the stuff for new people.

when i write it out… none of what i’ve said above has significantly upset me. i can’t pinpoint why this change is so upsetting to me when i’m in it at work, which part of it is inescapable to the point of tears. it’s not like i considered her a close friend, but….. she’s probably the best supervisor i’ve ever had. she was so cheerful, she makes everything easier, she’s so friendly and supportive, she stands up to upper management for us (usually)…. my best guess is that i’m upset that I have to be the adult now (or, you know, one of the adults). i’m not fucking ready or qualified for this. just today i fucked up a specific task, but like…. without supervisor + 1 other upper management person (the latter of whom is only here once a week) in the building, i was the most fucking qualified person to do that task, and i had to fucking wait for one of them to get there to finish the fucking task. and pretty soon i won’t have that. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to do better. I think everyone expects me to be better and has the attitude of “we’ll figure it out” but that’s because they’re not in this department/qualified for and expected to perform these things every day if & as they come up. what do i do without a supervisor who can help with literally all of it all at the same time, and be like…. nice and sweet and kind and patient about it. fuck. i guess i found the part that’s bothering me. i need to go to sleep bc i’m on early shift this week but i haven’t processed this shit on my own yet. is this processing? maybe it’s just re-traumatizing myself over and over by repeating how scared and helpless i feel. it’s not a game plan. the best advice i have so far is from R, saying to talk to her, like, go grab a light dinner together after work or something. but so far, she’s been too busy to talk to. we’re all training the new peeps in the department and she has so much stuff to wrap up.

i need kleenex.

anyway, talking to her would be a great idea if i weren’t just going to burst into tears. that’s going to be hard to get around. i need to ask her things, though. like… i need to not be point person on the thing that i fucked up today and that i always fucking have trouble with. mother fucker. i need her advice on standing up to upper management trying to make us do stupid shit. i need her better, broader, deeper comprehension of what we do so i don’t omit important context and reasoning when training new people. there’s no way i can do that shit. how are we supposed to do this without her??? um anyway not helpful i guess. i need to know who’s going to be responsible for what when she’s gone. just how much is my coworker taking on? how much am I? upper management?

it kind of feels like this Task I Fucked Up gets to the heart of it. maybe. there are expectations about to be put on me to be the most reliable person for this shit. i am not sufficiently reliable. that’s not really other people’s problem. i am alone and floundering in my failure, yay. that’s …. yeah. maybe it is that. i have assessed myself and found myself wanting. i *can* do a lot of tasks, but i’m not the best or fastest, but suddenly actually i am bc everyone else is a noob? and i get to just deal with that. i wasn’t expecting to take this amount of responsibility for this place, dammit.

i should really sleep. i don’t know if the above has helped a damn thing.

spotify is slow as shit so you don’t get a title

I had Very Much Many dreams last night. I’m always really happy when I remember my dreams, pretty much regardless of content.

One of the earliest parts I remember was… sibling, M, and I were part of a vocal jazz ensemble… I think? Or some kind of performance group that didn’t have instruments. We had these kinda ridiculous uniforms provided us, short-sleeve button-up shirts and pull-on pants made out of low-stretch crushed velvet or like synthetic/cheap/fake velvet. Panne? And ALL IN BLUE. A very medium, strong blue, slightly lighter and teal-er than primary. You could probably call it “ocean blue,” I guess? So yeah, we all had these uniforms, and we had a little bit of time before the performance so everyone was meandering around the premises (this part kind of looked like high school iirc, but only kind of–the front hall area, satin white walls and dark floors, tall and completely empty) and not really keeping track of time. Suddenly it was time to be up on stage already, with everyone scattered around…. but I might not have known that at the time in the dream? In the dream, I might’ve been like oh shit, what if it’s just me that was losing track of time and failing to put on my shitty blue velvet uniform before our scheduled time to perform? But then I got to the stage kinda half-pulling my uniform on, and it became apparent that other people had opted not to put their uniforms on and look professional in other ways, and that the group was still getting organized before starting to perform.

Later on in the night, there was another snippet about M. She and Harmony were sitting inside a tall freezer with no shelving inside, running their hands through piles of frozen meat products (about a pound or two each, individually vacuum-sealed in plastic squares) to loosely scoop them up and let them fall from their hands as a way of searching through all the meats for something. They were doing this to help Kyle, who wasn’t there. But yeah…. this weird standalone bookshelf/closet-sized freezer with the doors open and both of them sitting inside, sifting through frozen meat. That’s literally the only image that stayed with me from that part. I am not sure what it means.

Next, another snippet… there were two predators and one prey animal. Idr whether the predators were the zebras and the prey was a leopard of some sort, or vice versa. I do remember thinking that you could tell the predator animal was the for-sure, true natural predator of the prey bc they both had white and black stripes. Normal dream logic. The predators were creeping up on the prey, but before they could reach it, I had decided to scare them off if not kill them. Independent of me doing anything, some kind of machinery came through and uh… flattened the first predator in front of me. It was like it was supposed to cut it but messed something up and just squonched it instead. I then went after the second predator by… dual-wielding what I think were like giant Hitachi magic wands. Not plugged into anything, not vibrating, and I used them like clubs to bop both sides of the second predator’s head until it fell to the ground, presumably unconscious but not dead.

The dream I remember most narratively came last. I was buying weed from a store, but the store was in this really weird, decrepit structure that looked like a house in places/at times, and at other places/times, looked like a kindergarten, or a shitty indoor mall. I got to experience a lot of these places and times bc for a while I wasn’t buying weed from the guy at the counter, I was running through all these empty spaces trying to keep space between me and a large spider. It was a very fast spider, and large enough that I could hear each leg tapping on the floor or wall as it scuttled around. Early on, I noticed that it had been painted with yellow stripes and the yellow number 969896, or 96896, across its abdomen that was somehow big enough for this to legibly fit. At some point in the dream that was less visual, I was talking to my mom about this and she fucking recognized the spider and was like “yeah my siblings and I actually painted that number on that spider way back in the day” like wtf ok???? After having that convo w her, though, the dream transitioned away from me being able to hear the plat-plat-plat of little legs running everywhere i went. I finally went to the counter and bought some weed from a guy who seemed really depressed and tired but nice. It was in a white cardboard box, which he set to the side while I was paying. The payment transaction thing was weird… I just had to hold my debit card up to this greyscale flatscreen tablet thing that had an enlarged vector-style mockup of a payment card, that as soon as I held my card up, started spinning through different card number combinations on the mockup. When it landed on some actual numbers, it didn’t match mine. But that was apparently fine and normal, so the sad guy went to grab my box of weed, and discovered it wasn’t where he’d put it. He and I searched around for a while, until this guy in the back of the store said he took it. I walked over to him. He was already smoking his own joint, he didn’t take the box to use any of the weed. He said he took it because I and someone else cut him in line for something earlier. (I don’t remember this happening in the dream, but I still believed him in the dream.) He was talking about something related to that for a little while longer, but I was distracted by the contents of the box… there were these long, thin things that were maybe supposed to be joints that were dimly glowing at the end. I tried to tap firmly on the glow to put them out, but one in particular responded to this by flaring up more, until it was so bright that the only thing I could do was inhale to not lose the entire stick to fire instead of smoking. So I was now smoking one of my “joints” next to this guy, and became aware that somehow I’d rolled it myself (having no dream recollection of this) and I was really bad at it, so it was about a foot long and floppy and crinkly, and also kind of damp. It is possible that it was rolled in a moist corn tortilla rather than papers. I had to support it with both hands while taking a hit. AND YET the guy seeing this who had his own j still wanted to swap hits with me and didn’t say anything about the shit quality of mine.

And then I woke up at 9:12, because my sleep schedule fuckin sucks. I don’t have a clue how I’m going to deal with the earlier shift next week.

dear wp what the fuck is up with line breaks and starting to type on a new line, i promise my keyboard did not magically go anywhere

yesterday was kind of exhausting, both bc of the weather and bc of a long conversation with R in the evening. even though i’ve been feeling better about our sex life, it’s not because there’s been an increase in physical intimacy; i was just able to adjust my expectations and not take it personally/feel insecure all the time. it ended up coming to a head again yesterday bc i feel like he’s really been dropping the ball on playing with my body in ways that I’ve told him are sexual for me, and that usually elicit obvious sexual responses, but without any sexual intent on his part, just to be like…. hehe tits funy… which would be totally cool and fine if it was just a sometimes thing, but it’s like… multiple times daily, and combined with not getting laid, makes me feel frustrated and sad. so we talked about that again and he apologized a lot and acknowledged that he hasn’t been working on it as much as he said he would last time we talked. I didn’t really feel that much better by the end but at least he was able to identify specific things that he CAN work on, should he choose to work on it. it’s not a dealbreaker… yet. there’s a lot of other stuff in our relationship that I love and that makes me happy.

there’s a lot of room cleaning and setup i could be doing today. i hope it happens.

oh, also worth noting–i finally scheduled a doctor’s appointment for myself, literally days before a year since the disastrou$ urgent care visit. fucking hell. i wonder if i’ll have time to address everything i want to w/them. the receptionist wanted me to give him a quick rundown of things i’d like to discuss at my appointment and internally i was like uhhhhhhhhh we’re in a fucking lobby i don’t feel comfortable sharing these things with you or with anyone else in earshot but externally gave him a couple things that let him connect my records from previous visits, so that’s good and useful and important. maybe next time i’ll actually stick up for myself lmao. now if i can just get set up with a therapist maybe shit will start to get better for me

maybe less worth noting, but i actually finally threw some money at an important cause. it’s pathetic that that’s progress for me, but I’ve done a shit job of donating or taking literally any action before this, so .. i figure i should maybe record that i did it so i can keep that shit rolling.

oh oh now i’m remembering more! i got a 10% raise at work. which is still uh hmmm a little more than half of the median income here. but STILL ten percent is a lot oh shit and i need to figure out 401k stuff. uhghghghgh anyway i like my supervisor and why yes that does incentivize me to stay and also feel better about staying. eheheh i wonder how much of a raise my shitty coworker is getting when his time comes

c’mon let’s doooo todayyyyyyyy

to the max

oh no, i can’t scroll down from this huge header until i have a chunky paragraph here. that’s gonna take a while.

it’s been a while. again. things are pretty really good rn. i’ve been busy due to moving. i wish i felt comfortable sharing more about the place… i live in a house instead of an apartment now, and it’s one that i found for everyone, and new roomies are better than i feared so far. m and sibling are there and it’s….. surprisingly easy so far. maybe it’s just a honeymoon phase. aside from the ugly color they painted the walls before we got here, i really fucking like it. my room is coming together. i stayed up until 1:40 the other night putting things in place. i’m going to get a queen bed if i can find decent parts on craigslist.

moving is wrapping up to the point now that i…. feel like i can relax. and feeling like i can relax at all feels like… i’m basically done. it’s like, what now? even though there are things to do, there’s this whiplash of everything-to-nothing.

it occurs to me pretty quickly to do other things. like, now i can be a person and move forward with my life. i have a way better commute from the new place. i have time to make food and do things on coursera and idk, apply for jobs, become a person who makes a living wage and doesn’t have to keep this semi-shitty job forever? it could be worse. my rent is better here, also. although i’ll actually have to pay utilities here so that’ll probably make it add right back up. πŸ˜›

i don’t know what i want. most of what i know is that not trying is easier than trying. working on fucking… home decor is easier than learning a new trade. i have solarpunk dreams of self-sustaining queer community housing. knowing enough about …. permaculture farming/gardening, electricity, plumbing, animal keeping…. there could be ways to own land and not die in a variety of situations. survive and even thrive.

tomorrow i’ll be back in my own space. tomorrow i’ll have two days in a row of weekend. i could… cook more veggies. i could finish putting away toiletries. i could play some of the shit i bought on the steam summer sale. i could make ethernet cables and stick them up on the wall.

it all feels so pointless. i’m eating so…. over-richly. everything i do is a waste of time. maybe tomorrow after work i could actually schedule an appointment for primary care. πŸ™ ghghhhhhg

unrelated: things have been good with r. consistently good. i feel…. happy and calm. i feel like i’m lucky and in a honeymoon phase and this is the longest i’ve been in a reciprocally happy, sustainable, healthy relationship. we still don’t have as much sex as i might want, but it’s still… good and important and enjoyable. i worry that he wants to have kids and i don’t and it’s kind of stressful feeling like i can’t always talk to him about it but also like…. he’d be a good dad and also like maybe he actually sort of says what he means when he says he’s not there yet and so can’t make this decision yet?

m is… difficult to deal with when moving. helpless and useless sometimes, angry sometimes, nice and sweet other times. r doesn’t really get what i might see in my relationship w/ m still, although he really tries. dude, i hope things get better, but at the same time, i’m moving on with my life. i’m not passively waiting for the relationships in my life to get better. it’s complicated. i’m not giving up on u, but things…. are changing, for sure.

fuck, idk. bye

faithless 25may19

oh man, it’s after 6?????? shit.

life updates: r things are pretty good, work things kind of suck in a slow, low-key way, and i’m moving from an apartment into a house. v exciting. the apartment needs cleaning on a deep, microscopic level, and i just got off work and spent $60 on groceries for the week and … am here instead of doing things. i could be folding laundry, for starters, or cooking raw meats that need to be cooked soon.

last week was pretty low. was that last week? I used my scalpel on myself for the first time in probably over a year. i didn’t know how else to cope with the overwhelming feeling of no one liking me. since then i’ve been trying to spend more time at home to feel like my own person who isn’t completely dependent on other people and their spaces to like… interface with the world and form relationships. it’s…. sort of helpful, but with the impending move and my sibling’s asthma issues being exacerbated by their shitty water-damaged apartment causing them to stay over here, there’s a lot more forced interaction. it’s good, sometimes, maybe even most of the time. sometimes i feel sufficiently successful at it, and… sometimes i don’t. right now i feel like i don’t spend a lot of time thinking about how to bring a good vibe to interactions in which i participate, and that this complete absence of intention… the focus on honesty and presence rather than thinking proactively about what people might like or know or respond to ig… isn’t helping. at the moment, i’m also thinking that the amt of time i spend drunk/having a slightly more difficult morning after drinking may contribute to this thoughtlessness. not to mention this whole moving thing. it’s


oh well


because i’m reading rubyfruit jungle for the first time. i guess it’s her mom’s name, therefore ruby-fruit? I wonder if Ruby from SU was named after this book.

i wish i could fuck like that. i wish i was viscerally sapphic like that. sometimes it excites me to read, sometimes it doesn’t. i wonder if i’m faking. affection and romance are way more important to me with women, that’s where it all comes from for me. it’s not the same.

I’ve been feeling insecure and shitty this week.

  • on one front, talking about moving, and moving with this specific group of people…. i wonder if they even want me or like me as a person, or if I’m just an extra set of moneybags they can use to get into this state. i’m tired of feeling like Future Roomie #2 disagrees with me every chance they get bc they think i’m innately hostile by saying anything remotely critical. like…. i’m allowed to have high standards and a different MO than you. and… i wonder, too. i wonder if I’m more hostile towards M than I realize, I wonder what she’s told them, but also… I feel defensive. I wish they knew what a fucking trial it is to live with M and be her ex-caretaker and the only one cleaning common spaces. or any space. her room is probably full of ants and silverfish, but god forbid she do anything but fucking cry about it. fuck. – and not like i know how M thinks of me these days! sometimes she’s totally down to spend time with me for like, stardew valley, or for drinking and watching a thing, or more group-oriented things, or even spending time with my parents. and when she’s around, she can be somewhat physically affectionate. Do I know what it means or adds up to? Nah. She finally let my parents know she has a boyfriend, so that’s something. I guess she and her bf are kind of serious these days, what with his roundabout proposal? Kind of surprised, feel like she could do better, not sure if she’s actually into him or not. THAT ASIDE, things b/t her and me are not great lately. she makes no effort, i guess i don’t either… i stopped trying a long time ago. i mostly get yelled at and manipulated. or complained to. life is hard for her and there’s not really a way to change that aside from changing herself in ways that aren’t always feasible atm. fuck, dude, i don’t know. i’m not trying to say she shouldn’t be complaining, is what i mean. i just mean i… don’t feel close to her if that shit is all we talk about. it could easily be a defense mechanism on her part, something to throw out there to avoid talking about bigger things. anyway i feel close to exactly none of the potential housing peeps including my own sibling and wish i could afford my own goddamn place. fuck this.
  • work. on saturday i was working with my supervisor and the guy whose gf is probably both physically and emotionally abusive and there was this kind of … silence. and rift. and i felt like i should just shut down to avoid rejection. i always feel like this around the supervisor, like she’s friendly with other people but doesn’t even try to engage with me. trapped in a tiny room with them for even a shorter saturday shift makes me want to kms. what’s wrong with me, where did this go wrong, how am i giving off the wrong signals? i’m not the one who keeps fucking over the rest of our department, why are you on better social terms with him than me????
  • walking down the street. i’m about the biggest i’ve ever been, and unlike last summer, i can’t even squeeze into the same shorts as when i was smaller. yeah it could be worse. but uh i’m covered with cellulite and shorts ride up differently than they did when i was smaller. during the last week we had a bit of nice weather where i wore shorts and felt like people were staring and laughing at me. And Yet today i consumed some sugary, buttery garbage in record time. i… it’s so hard living between two different spaces. i don’t know how to do it well. i don’t know how to meal plan for myself and someone as picky and food-interested as r. he really feels the need to be in control of this area of his life–or at least be titillated by it– and i can’t live up to that for more than like one night every so often.
  • oh yeah that reminds me, r things. i probably already mentioned here that he and i talked seriously about sex, libido, and attraction. i’ve been feeling better and more secure on that front for a while, but lately it’s creeping back. he touches me casually and i want him, but he doesn’t actually mean it as anything more than a casual touch. earlier this week i had a dream about a guy (dream character, not anyone from rl) who was somehow connected to me such that we could both hypothetically control each others’ bodies? and I was able to relax a little bit sometimes to let him control my body and sense through it, but not to do the same to him. we were talking via some kind of text chat and i was on my laptop while r was in the same room, and guy said something about “my dick is dripping lol” or some other non sequitur fuckboy thing and r chose that moment to wonder what was on my screen and i was actually possessive about it at first? and like grabbed my laptop away so he couldn’t see? but then relented and showed him in the spirit of honesty and tried to explain. yesterday before work he fucked me for like idk two minutes, the usual. better than nothing but still depressing, still feels like he doesn’t even want to. i’m so attracted to you. sometimes i think about how face-meltingly good it would be to straddle your lap and go to town. but i see how you handle your own body. you probably don’t feel comfortable with that. what if you lose weight and still don’t fuck me? not to be dramatic or anything but i might actually kms.

coquette talks about doing things that scare you. i’m almost to that point, but also, being poor and tired prevents me from some of them. most of the ones that scare *and* interest me instead of just being like “oh i can perceive this is a risk, does that mean i should do it in order to be more of a worthwhile person?”

fuck everything. it’s good to be home for once but also fuck everything.


this weekend may not have looked like much from the outside, but it doesn’t feel too terrible from the inside.

friday night, i talked to r about his offhand comment the night before about probably wanting kids. he said he isn’t worried about it bc it’s so far out and something about believing he and i will be able to talk it out. i hope that isn’t just him finding a smooth, clever way to say he’s expecting me to change my mind as i get older. like…. shit, dude. things overall are getting better, i think, like…. i have been on various insecurity merry-go-rounds enough times, and talked to him about related things enough times, that i actually kind of have a rational sense of the situation in addition to my many feelings. It’s a start. And tbh, hearing him talk about our future like “we can work this out” was pretty powerful for me even if he meant it to be casual and off-handed. Like, I don’t actually usually know if he’s thinking about a future with me, esp in the middle of catastrophizing. (GOD i was so depressive on friday, coworker friend definitely noticed and I felt bad for dragging her down… literally just imagining the end of a relationship that could happen as soon as that night, and making the accompanying plans to kms) for whatever reason, i really took it to heart when he implied it w/his phrasing this time. i hope i’m not taking it too far and somehow setting myself up for disappointment/realizing he didn’t actually mean it Like That. so yeah uh obviously the era of deep insecurity preventing me from being fully present, real, and process-y isn’t over, but since that little talk i’ve been holyfucksomuchhappierandmoreenergetic. I didn’t realize what a difference it would make in other ways, even though of course it would, but like… is my cleaning ethic a valid measure of my wellbeing? I cleaned the kitchen at home 3x after various meals and left it better than it was at the beginning of the weekend, and cleaned r’s room tonight but MMMM guess that should be in a different chunk.

saturday: naturally woke up early, had a long, slow morning where r watched tv and m was out of the house. Took my first shower in maybe a week. Kind of thinking about the utility and safety of at-home laser hair removal. got coffee and walked to the water, then went home and grabbed tennis stuff, and r suffered to teach me a bit more about hitting the ball properly at all. watched the sun set from the swings, then walked home and had ahi tuna steaks and cabbage salad for dinner. saw pulp fiction for the first time. i counted two band names inspired by the film? it was pretty good. dozed on the couch until midnight-ish, heard m come home, went to bed.

today: tried to get up early to go north so r could take his meds on schedule, didn’t quite succeed bc i decided to put on makeup. dumbass. cuddled in bed all morning, got up to help r make a green smoothie and ended up cleaning the kitchen sinks, counters, toaster, and blender. felt good man. oo, and i guess that counts as another thing i up and cleaned this weekend. fuck yeah. r left for more tennis and family things, i spent the afternoon on my computer. i think at first… i paid rent and bought some makeup in order to get the free trial size Tatcha. i’ve been doing a terrible job following my budget and it’s like Whoops Here It Goes Again. my brain is just always like, “what can we just barely get away with? this won’t go over the limit of times per month i can transfer from savings, right??” ugh. then i got on video chat with m and potential roomie friends to discuss potential future house. decent convo, went well-ish. i could see myself living with them, would just for sure want my own space. not sure how i feel about cats on my couch. πŸ™ also, recounting it to r just now makes me realize i have follow-up questions. m needs to communicate her preferences more proactively. t seems like they might be more….. assertive in un-constructive ways. bossy might be a strong word. more like… wants to get what they want without considering others’ needs or considering that anyone else might want the same and have reasons for it… and like, have earned it, i mean. ugh i don’t have good words that aren’t super wordy.

anyway. had that call, took like two hours, kept looking at housing during/after call, walked over to have dinner with my family at a restaurant nearby. sometimes i feel like my parents are lonely and i’m doing a bad job of being their kid.

came home, cleaned r’s room, made myself some tea, did pt. been blogging while wearing his snapback and a muscle tank. kinda silly.

i’ve been….. not accomplishing a lot outside of work (or inside, ofc). i would be interested in looking at other jobs, doing more to improve my ability to work out, scheduling dr appts and therapy for when i have days off during the week soon. i could use some help, but will probably have forgotten what to ask by the time i’m actually in a place that can help me.

i feel loved. i feel hopeful-ish. wonder how long it will last.