roosevelt remix

lately when something has gone well but isn’t necessarily…. remarkable?… i’ve been hearing homestar’s voice say “cool.” and then that particular intake of breath through the mouth that makes it awkward and immediately less cool (whatever “it” was). I think it’s from the “four drinks for four cool guys” short. could be wrong, though. anyway this is kind of irritating bc I have a hard time reproducing the exact “cool.” i hear in my head either (a) accurately or (b) smoothly, without looking like a complete weirdo. in case that was my priority when making hsr references in 2017. (not that referencing hsr is the point! it’s just in my head so i want to put it outside my head, thus exorcising this particular echolalia.)

i feel… accomplished today. how rare. honestly tomorrow i’ll probably be over it but i actually did pretty much all the shit i could’ve expected myself to do today, production-wise.

  • washed my sheets as soon as i got up, then remade bed as soon as dryer went off
  • FINALLY, after three weeks of putting it off, did the necessary pretreat on my shirts so they can be laundered. I’m letting them sit overnight before washing them just so the baking soda has time to counteract three damn weeks of sitting in a stinking dirty heap. god, i fucking hate that i have to do this and i’m so bad at doing it regularly before it turns into an intimidating hour-and-a-half bullshit chore.
  • i guess in list format this really isn’t that great looking
  • i can’t remember what else i did of actual consequence WAIT
  • ran the dishwasher
  • washed *and* folded non-shirt laundry
  • scrubbed the toilet (but didn’t add bleach yet)
  • cleaned up my desktop computer’s desktop (no, not “deskotp”)
  • got an idea of the direction i might want to head on my 2016 playlist’s album art, grabbed some resources + inspiration
  • purchased and used fluoride rinse to help my cracked tooth not ache, since according to my mom that can help. today wasn’t really so bad wrt that ache, thank god. it’s been a full week of more pain than usual, since chewing gum for most of a day
  • other groceries
  • picked out my outfit before bedtime cram-time
  • OH YEAH i sorted out all my paperwork and bills and shit and filed and recycled and set aside for shredding. THAT felt satisfying… even if that part of my desk still feels relatively unusable bc of, like, some glow-in-the-dark sticker stars in the corner. it doesn’t feel like a clean workspace, it feels like open shelf space. but i’d like to use it for notebooks and the like, since it’s not right in front of the kvm.

it’s snowing outside rn. i wonder what tmrw morning is gonna be like. there were a few power flickers over the course of the evening, but so far it’s stayed on. knock on wood. if the power actually went off, i might have to actually sleep in the same bed w m for the first time in what, over a month? I even felt vaguely interested last night.

i don’t know if this momentum is gonna still be with me tomorrow, what with potential weather/power disruptions, incipient busy season at work with one person still out, and being up as late as i am rn… but i’d like to keep doing things. there’s always stuff, of course, and it’s probably only a matter of time before i overwhelm myself with expectation and burn out. but dammit, my usual mindless stimulation options just aren’t cutting it in the past few days. i saw a site that offers free drawing tutorials and want to check that out. gotta get back on the daily cl checking train. could keep working on the 2016 playlist album art. remembered my pile of clothes + pics for tce that i need to make an imgur album for… it’s been almost a year since i started working on this and i still haven’t gone through the pics to find which ones to upload. sheesh.

also need to take out money to pay m for some of our bills. god.

i watched snk this weekend. i marathon-ed most of it on friday night until 2 in the morning (why i’m still wide awake at this time tonight) while working on my shitty phone wallpaper idea (i think it got 0 notes after working on it for a few hours that night and then the next day as well.) let me tell you something: don’t try to watch subbed anime while doing something else that requires visual attention, unless you want to fail at both. amazing insight, i know. but as for the actual show/what i saw of it…. i didn’t really… get why it’s so well-known? It’s really not that great. Kinda cool plot, but the characters all felt flat and like… their emotions and motivations were frequently not compelling. and overall the show was pretty heavy on imperialist rhetoric, i think… the titans sure make eerie villains, though. but whatever apparently everyone thinks the characters are worth making fanfic about! especially abo dear god i’ve seen too much. even as little as i’ve seen, it’s too much.

yeah actually on that subject. people… do the people writing these things realize how absurd it is that they’re this far inside this trope? that they place this belief system onto canon, worm it into the cracks so it can exist behind the scenes? and how that reflects on them, the writers, and the world they live in? the violent possessiveness of monogamy, all the twisted priorities that make mpreg more common/desirable than, idk, trans characters or adoption or surrogacy or any of a number of things… like… cis masculinity is just gonna swallow everything? ok then. but to be fair i’m very much a spectator and don’t have much context for the fandom(s) that created this and grew it to this point. i’m sure i’m missing pieces, but i’m also sure that there’s a shitload of misogyny in the mix.

wtf how did i get from 12:34 to 1 am, fuck

yesterday i also finally watched A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night and was still distracted by phone-wallpaper-making, and…. felt like i was missing something. but then it might be one of those artsier films that would’ve made me feel that way even if i paid close attention the whole time. I really enjoyed the long, emotional pauses between protag greaser dude and protag vamp lady though. those were really well done and rly… rich. and it was very satisfying to see the vengeance wrought on shitty dudes. yeeeaaaah, i’m probably missing a lot. whatever.

also worth noting abt this week: reading teen vogue led me to learn about k-beauty, or korean beauty. apparently it’s been about 3 or 4 years since it was hip soooo it’s good to know i’ve still got plenty of backlog from being a depressed useless piece of unaccomplished shit. it’s… good scaffolding to learn more about skincare/facial routines and products, though. i was kinda intimidated and confused before and now i am slightly less confused. like any kind of daily/regular use thing, it sounds expensive… but i think i could maybe figure something out for myself.

that’s a lot. and it wasn’t the worst writing ever, either, at least in parts. i know my punctuation was especially shitty. but it felt… okay. time to get insufficient sleep, be really cold/wet, and get stressed out driving in unfamiliar conditions!! ye

in my mind, all of the time

I purchased Hot Thoughts this afternoon and proceeded to listen to it 75ish times until bedtime tonight.

Everything is horrible. I am horrible. I’m so depressive, I can’t do anything. I’m really good at out-waiting my own desires and interests. It’s gotta be some kind of executive dysfunction, right? To constantly be thinking of the thing, but because I’m doing something else and haven’t basically exhausted whatever that something else is, I never get around to the other thing even though it sounded more interesting? I actually had interest in drawing, earlier, but I would’ve had to get up and find a drawing pad and utensil and come back. Instead, I hatched a few more (male) eevees. and named them all after eggs.

what does it mean that the dentist’s office never emailed or called me about a follow-up? My appointment somehow vanished from their system even though I used the scheduling assistant on their official damn website + received a confirmation call from SOMEONE human, and now they won’t contact me directly for something they said they could get to me within a day. It’s been six days–a week, in the morning. Given all this, I kind of want to believe that they actually exist in a weird limbo-type deal that no communications can penetrate, but can be physically accessed on foot. They’re the shitty Avalonian dentist office for wealthy white people.

Ugh, I hope I’m overthinking it. I was not reassured by the doctor’s approach. I was not given info or options, only talked over. Even my fucking pediatric dentist treated me more respectfully than that. By contrast, the only subjects on which these ppl consulted me were (1) small talk, (2) marketing research/feedback, and (3) trying to upsell me with whitening treatments. Oh, and (4) an odd number of questions about my jaw/jaw pain. I…. don’t feel v confident abt their office, honestly.

K split on me, I think. Idk what to do. I’ve never been on the receiving end, and my fears about not being borderline enough are getting in the way of thinking this through rationally to put myself in her shoes and figure out how I can do better/be helpful and not just say bland, trite garbage. I don’t have the energy to pursue it that hard, but I don’t want this to become some kind of power struggle to see who can stay silent the longest and who’ll crack. I just…. don’t know what to say. I did a shitty job empathizing and said some useless crap and you probably felt ignored, uncared for. I’m sorry I didn’t know what to say. I guess I’ve never actually talked to anyone else while they’re splitting, before you. also I didn’t have much info on the situation surrounding your split. it was v sudden and information-free.

I hope I ever do anything. I hope I use my gym membership, hope I get physical therapy, hope I ever finish a single wallpaper, hope I catch up on cleaning tasks enough to feel capable of doing something educational/practical in the evenings, hope I find a job that doesn’t suck w/medical benefits.

p.s. starbucks’s smoked butterscotch latte tastes like cannabutter coffee

the schlong of silence

once again, this weekend has been… nothing.

i tried SOS chaining pikipek for a shiny, but with no shiny charm and my low level of progress overall in the game (well. i guess the two kinda go together, huh), that bitch eluded me. For a full day. I was seriously in that fight from 7 last night until I went to bed, and then from noon until 7 or 8ish tonight. At least I sort of had a system figured out. My Carbink, which bears the apt name of “Cuppeon”, was a wonderful tank, and I had a Petilil, an Eevee, and a Horsea that were all low-level enough with weak enough moves to not one-hit the damn birds. And before that battle, I’d been wondering what the fuck I would ever need hundreds of a particular berry for, given that I’ve only had access to Isle Aplenny for a few days but already have hundreds of berries across many types. I wonder no more. πŸ˜› i mean, i can’t imagine enjoying the game if I SOS chained like that for a full day out of every few, but it’s good to know there’s a potential use.

M + I did some Festival Plaza collab shit. it’s been confirmed: I know nothing about type weaknesses. I got 3 correct answers and she got like 14. I wanted to die, I was choking on shame

later in the evening I did some actual human being-type activities. (aside from continuing to forget my wet laundry heaped in the dryer getting musty.) I went back through Friday’s cl postings (not much), and started looking at community events, classes, and the like. There’s some weekly drawing classes nearbyish but…. they cost money, money that we probably don’t have atm. Money that I’m not sure we will have by the time the classes start. Which just brings me back to the jobs section of cl. πŸ˜› I guess my current job and the things I wish I could do with my software skill set have made me want to have a better understanding of visual art, as a creator. It would be really nice to have a class that involves going out into the community, being around people, having some kind of structured environment… all for the low, low cost of 20% of my last paycheck. for example.

from cl, i jumped to meetup. finally made an account and optimistically subscribed to a bunch of different groups. but i mean…. i don’t feel like i’m over-promising. I just want to get aggregated info on all these groups + their events in one spot first, then go from there. Most of the stuff they post isn’t really for my area anyway, and I have yet to figure out the location-based search function (if it’s working at all). You know what sucks about it, though? There’s a lot of tech-leaning groups that interest me, but that I’d be a complete noob at, and it’s clear from the introductions that they aren’t talking to ppl on my level. PLS I NEED HELP GETTING THE MOTIVATION AND KNOWLEDGE TO GET TO YOUR LEVEL EVEN WHEN I’M REALLY INTERESTED πŸ™ but on the bright side, there is a queer community place nearby and i so wanna attend some shit there. as long as it isn’t all at 5 fucking pm in the middle of rush hour aahhh fuck driving. there are opportunities, but nothing super ideal, overall. i hope i keep using it.

from meetup, next stop was fb, to see if there were any attached meetup groups i was somehow not being shown over there… and then…. it was weird. my feed didn’t make me feel like a piece of shit immediately. sort of. it’s still clear to me how everyone is out accomplishing things and i’m just sitting here inching closer to my true potato form. but tonight instead of it feeling overwhelming, it felt… energizing, and cool to see what my friends were doing, i guess. even if none of them consider me a friend anymore.

I hope it stays energizing and not overwhelming, but that’s probably too much to hope. expectations ahoyhoy, esp. on as little sleep as i’m gonna get tonight. I hope I do something… although tomorrow i need to do groceries and laundry, lol.

hello wordpress my old friend

I guess I hadn’t dreamed in a while, judging by how much last night stands out. Or this morning. Or whatever.

The main one I wanted to write about on here was with M. It was just her and me talking alone in a room. Neutral hues. She told me I wasn’t enough for her and that she was interested in finding someone else in addition to me. There was… a screen in the room, maybe an old CRT tv, low-res, black background with brightly colored infographics of how she was feeling and in particular, one bar that was like… a slider between… two things I can’t remember. I don’t know if it was specific to her monogamy vs polyamory, or dissatisfaction->satisfaction, or disinterest->interest in me, or disinterest->interest in someone else…. somewhere between all those things, though. It was the most related infographic of all of them. (There was something v Undertale about the colors and layout of that screen.)

In response, I remember feeling….mildly jealous. A little sad. It got my mind going about what needed to happen to improve our relationship. Not sure if I remember what I said. I think I started saying some of the things I was thinking about, and I don’t remember how successful that was or wasn’t, either. πŸ˜› At some point I realized that this was probably due to us sleeping in separate rooms all the time.

So… given that that wasn’t actually M, that it was part of my brain… what does that mean? Do I think she should find someone else? … idk, it couldn’t hurt. I don’t think she has the energy for anything more than incidental (which is what it sounded like in the dream, too). Having woken up, my primary feeling is guilt, but it’s not overwhelming. Thinking about it just makes the feeling shrink and warp until I’m not even sure if it’s guilt anymore…. a mild unease… could just be the grogginess of sleeping in for once, really.

In another dream, there was a witch, I think. But that’s all I remember. An almost ren faire-like setting.

The other dream I remember anything from… well, maybe there’s two. There was one where M and I were walking into an I-5 on-ramp, trying to find a northbound one… there were other people walking on the roads, alongside cars… then Rushi was there somehow? Or maybe not him, maybe just a chill dudely friend. Seemed interchangeable. We ended up on a bus that was more like a trolley and moved like a train. πŸ˜› the lighting in it was so warm and yellowish. But I don’t think we were actually intending to get on it, and being on it felt somewhat purposeless, even though we were aiming to get off at a particular stop. At one point we made friends with a girl and I was trying to talk to her, but it was made difficult by these REALLY weird sunglasses that had a lot of chains hanging from them. It was like…. sunglasses + crown that went all around my head, from which chains could drape and reconnect farther along the crown. The ‘U’s of the chains hung down to my shoulders. Somehow everyone thought this was a good/acceptable #look. Anyway, it kept making it weird/awkward to talk to this girl, I think.

At another point in this same setting, I feel like we’d gotten off the bus/trolley/whatever and were wandering around a place that my brain was modeling after my old elementary school, the slope up to the back parking lot, the gate, and how overgrown + unkempt the flora was. It was me, M, and Generic Chill Friend Dude. We were… exploring a little bit. Just kicking around. Everything was so broken down. There was a bit of a sense of there maybe being people nearby? Or that someone might come upon us, and they might or might not be friendly. A sense that the area we were kicking around was maybe not the most public property after all.

At some point, we were back on the trolley/tram/whatever, heading into the city for good now. My mom was somehow on the same bus as us and we all decided to get off at the same stop to do some shopping together. There were so many nice shops, touristy ones–you know, like the stores with a bunch of glass blowing you could never afford, and ugly local handmade lawn ornaments. I don’t remember actually going into any of them, only arriving and still being dissatisfied, like this wasn’t where I was supposed to end up/intending to end up.

In what may or may not have been a related dream, I was at my parents’ house. M was there, idk if my brother was there, and there were some older people I didn’t know, presumed friends of my parents. Everyone was… this is dumb, but…. everyone was a TV dinner of some sort. Was it transmogrification? Did everyone just have this ability? Was it something happening *to* them? Did they know? Idk, but they kept talking and communicating even after. Were they actually being held in the hands of the un-transformed people I was thinking they represented? We were all standing around on the driveway and it was starting to rain REALLY hard. It wasn’t cold, but we were getting heavily pelted. I could somewhat see my mom maybe 7 feet away. I asked her… something. I started looking up at the sky. It was stormy, but no hurricane coming, even though I kept expecting something of that magnitude from how hard it was raining. I could see the cloud we were under and the edge of it in the distance, looking towards the backyard.

Writing this, all I can think about is how my writing skills continue atrophying (yes, even if I know words) and that I should probably read a gotdam book. Or twenty. And then I buy twenty books and read the one comic book I bought and never touch the rest of them bc Too Much Expectation

I need to see a doctor. For physical therapy and psych meds. I’m getting worse.

at various points, I’ve wished I’d come on here and write when I was feeling anxious about whatever tizzy Dingle Tip’s got us in atm, get my thoughts out onto a page, but I never did. Too tired, always too late at night and too tired. And then… even if I’d felt energetic enough, would it be safe?

Been vacillating between hope and hopelessness.

I wish M had gone to the thing yesterday.

I don’t think I’ll ever get a shiny.

a glorified to-do list, probably

huge surprise, I’m more nothing. I actually felt…. motivated and energized this morning? But I didn’t actually…. do anything with it. I thought a lot about the different ways I could do things with it, but I think the extent of my productivity was 1) cleaning up filesystems across my devices a little more, and 2) mocking up the boxing gloves w/ a few of the Christmas fonts I snagged last night to see if any looked good. The problem with these italic script fonts that aren’t like someone’s handwriting or same thickness throughout is, like…. they all kinda remind me of the Coca-Cola logo? Not really what I’m going for.

I guess another thing I did today was look up a few more things for a potential future build. I’m thinking of getting a Gigabyte 710X-UD5 motherboard, and got confirmation from a hackintosh thread that the gtx 1000-series graphics cards don’t have mac drivers yet at all, so we p much have to go with the 900-series. whatever, it saves like $200-300. I’m not looking forward to any potential future hackintosh setup, though… :/

I need to finish wrapping presents.Β  To do that, I might need either boxes,Β  orrrr I guess I could use gift bags.

I need to whip up a little “slayers’ club” logo for kelley’s shirt. that could take a sec…

I need to make gifsets of the christmas slime while it’s still seasonally relevant. I don’t know if I even have video editing software that can do what I want easily.

yep, falling asleep. at least it’s in my own bed, without M. Sorry, I just like it better rn.

i’m bad at everything

Even just contemplating logging in here made me get One Week stuck in my head.

The back of my retainer is smooth. smthhhh smthhhh I scraped it sufficiently clean of its bacterial buildup to appreciate the slick feel of cast plastic on my tongue.

All the time lately…. I mean, god, don’t I feel like this all the time? But it seems more relentless these days, more completely inescapable, more like side burner instead of back burner… I just feel like there’s always so much I should be doing, and that feeling makes me behave more uselessly. Christmas presents. Job hunting for myself. Job hunting for M, entailing so many things beyond just being super picky abt job postings. Cleaning and cooking, subsistence tasks. Oh, and I took my car in for the first time since buying it… that’s a whole saga. Worth writing out for my own sake, I guess.

So… last… Monday night? Tuesday night? M and I come home from work just for a second, to grab some grocery bags and the list and go get groceries. I park and turn off the car and go inside. 5 minutes later, we come back out. I start the car with the AC on from before, shift into reverse, and start taking my foot off the brake and putting it on the gas pedal. Somewhere in that motion, the engine dies, looks like it was idling too low. I turn the AC dial to ‘off’ and restart the engine maybe 20 seconds later. This time, idling rpms look fine and don’t drop too drastically when getting in gear, but when I go to back out, something makes a horrible creaking noise. (in a duplication of this issue maybe 2 hours after, I estimated that I was hearing the creaking from the rear of the car. Can’t be sure if it was coming from the same exact spot the first time, but don’t have that data.) Turning the steering wheel and trying to start moving both cause the creaking.

great, m woke up. now i gotta deal w/ my audibility to her. or not care

There’s so much more I could be whining about. I still have a crush on scene kid guy and kinda wish I didn’t, harmless as it is. I’ve handled it so badly and literally….. don’t talk to him except niceties that he literally doesn’t respond to. I over-interpret things like him coming into the break room to grab his phone from where he leaves his bag. (because, you know, since I’m having lunch in that room at the same time even the smallest action is All About Me.) My brain, knowing nothing about this guy as an actual real person, keeps trying to interpret what little data I have as “slightly outsider alt guy” or something I could phrase better. But basically my brain is trying to knock him down to make him seem more accessible to me instead of intimidating/why-would-he-ever-want-me.

Which, I mean.

I’ve probably mentioned before how moving here has affected my working out and subsequently my weight. The weather’s gotten really cold in the last week and I don’t have the layers or the shoes to deal, I think. Since I don’t want to fall and break my butt, I haven’t been going for runs, which I was already struggling to do. I can’t afford a YMCA membership right now. All my money is going toward christmas presents and bills. So, I’m probably around the fattest I’ve ever been… which idt is saying much, but it’s still noticeable to me, physically and mentally uncomfortable and sometimes even dysphoric, and contributes to my unhappiness with my life.

Circling back around to cars, having to make that appointment/show up and deal with something beyond my control in a timely fashion in order to get my car back made me re-remember how waiting is bad and unnecessary. I’ve been putting off dentist’s and doctor’s visits for probably like two whole years now. I found more decay starting underneath the fillings my prev dentist made. Not sure if that’s my fault, or if the fillings angling out slightly like they are is a problem that I should’ve gotten checked out way earlier.

God, this is such a shitty braindump. I’m sorry. I need help in several different ways, but suck at ever asking for it.

why’s it gotta be like this

i just wanted to take a second and get some shit out of my head, but instead suddenly looking at a screen makes me feel nauseous. i’ve already been feeling like i can’t take a full breath all day. is it because i haven’t been running? eating a few pieces of halloween candy? god, i don’t fucking know.

i rediscovered shitty vampire lit and now i’m always looking for excuses at work to have my phone out with something to read, keep my brain stimulated while my hands are busy. i’m probably being a shitty employee.

i spent most of last weekend recovering from what i guess was an anxiety attack, only with somatized symptoms instead of actually… feeling nervous feelings whatsoever. i mean, i guess i was a little bit background stressed, but… anyway, i was hoping that taking it easy on sunday would be enough for me to recover, but even though the week has treated me relatively kindly so far (aside from the usual thinking everyone hates me, not fitting into my pants anymore without causing my intestines to hate me, and relatively low-level stress of being in an open work area where i feel like i could be surveilled at any time, and the more recent development of donut truck politics weighing on everyone…. last friday, we were all talking about it, in the cube. i brought up the faithless voters thing, the petition. and like, i’ve been signing crap on that site for years and years and years. i know how meaningless it can be. but my supervisor did that thing he does where he dismisses it and refuses to back down or hear other sides, and i ended the conversation abruptly, and we didn’t really talk the rest of the day. so… that was also kind of weighing on me, even if once again i didn’t consciously have many feelings about it.)

weight. it’s bad and i don’t want it. running around here doesn’t feel safe anymore. funny how street harassment is worse in better-off communities, from old white guys.

i want to work on my software skills for work, while at home. i opened and bookmarked a bunch of potentially interesting projects that would help me learn, but didn’t do shit with ’em. fuck me for being really bad at working on things, doing the nitty gritty hard parts, while visible to others. i absolutely work better when you can’t see behind the curtain. when i can make other people see me as just a “before” and an “after” picture, or believe that’s what i’m doing.

oh, right, the other thing. appointments. need to call parents for insurance info for one, maybe two of them. need to get shit squared.

so tired. this is so annoying. i can’t go to bed on time all the damn time, dammit

little big post

idk. probably not really.

I already had a piece of pie and half a cupcake… how can I want more halloween candy?????? ugh…. maybe my stomach doesn’t.

*takes all the items off the cluttered side of my desk and dumps them on the bed to make space for the laptop*

it’s so cold and i guess my brain wants to feel satisfied + warm by consuming Everything. at least my stomach has a lick of sense.

Dry skin is really fucking annoying. It’s also good at being mysterious as hell. Is it the weather? Is it something you eat frequently, or too infrequently? Is it not enough water? Is it your too-tight clothing? Does the rotten-egg smell of the water during summer and the black mold on sink spouts have anything to do with it, even though the smell has calmed tf down with the colder weather? Is it a lotion, a perfume? My fingernails and I neither know nor care. *scritch scritch*

it’s the holiday seasonnn….. and i am broke, oh so broke… I feel guilty thinking about my tattoo artist. It’s been over a year, maybe a year and a third or so… on top of what I owe my parents + Melissa + Kelley. it would be worth it to try to figure out a plan for what I can reasonably save + repay, but it seems like every damn project or interest I try to poke at this year ends up being Too Much Overhead so I look at a lot of introductory materials + resources but never take a step further bc the effort + time/resources required are high, but the reward is relatively low. like, if I worked on the Little Robot FriendΒ  that Melissa got me, it would be a high chance of failure, high chance of shame, low chance of success without her help, low chance of enjoying the process or learning or remembering anything bc I’m too focused on her. and then I waste away at my job being useless and feeling underpaid and wishing I had any kind of real skill set to show for my years of waste. nope, i get fatter, dumber, and unhappier by the year. month. How do I stop? Having my own room is…. some kind of step in the right direction, feels like I can try to move forward with some of my goals + projects or at least have the ability to do so. I guess this blog is probably the best proof I have of that….. except i created it before moving here. nvm.

I’ve *started* a lot of projects since moving here, or at least considered diving into a lot of things…. does ‘reading real books’ count as a project? A never-ending one, if so. Taking, organizing, and posting pics for the clothing exchange has been on my list for a minute, and I’ve barely taken all the pics for that. Getting back to running… I’m back to my usual ‘I try most days but usually don’t make it out at least 2 days out of 7′ thing, except this time I only run slightly over a mile, about 15 minutes. I think what I need is to figure out some new routes, ones with a little more variety in slope. Earlier this week I started trying to do some mashup shit, only to realize that I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing and I’m really bad at it and my shitty tools and knowledge are not enough to just throw at this… which sucks, because I don’t want to put in the effort to have, like, an actual background in audio production or engineering or w/e. *itch itch scritch arrrgghh why can’t this go away* I… did a one-night Commander Video cosplay?

am I focusing on the right things? will I feel satisfied when I submit this?

then… these aren’t really projects in the same way, but last friday my phone’s display failed completely from a ridic tiny crack, necessitating a replacement, and then on sunday I discovered my iPod, the one I modded all by myself and was proud of…. is dead somehow. something inside it is emitting a rapid, quiet, high-ish beep. M says it’s probably the logic board and after dismantling it a bit i’m inclined to agree.

I didn’t cry when my phone broke, but the iPod was the last straw for me. I feel like every nice mobile device I touch + want to depend on is turned to sand as I grasp it, now. What’s next? My laptop’s old and full of replacement parts, maybe it can poop out next! Maybe I can fling it into the fucking wall and speed the process along! Fuck. And then as quickly as the upset and anger comes, it’s gone, because part of me knows this isn’t the end and doesn’t matter. my feelings… don’t matter.

i threw away 2 of the last 3 pieces of candy i brought in here. better for my stomach. i think that brings my sweets total today to… six pieces of halloween chocolate (2 at work), 1 slice of pie, and 1/2 cupcake.

Richard and I were working next to each other downstairs today and talked a lot. It was… nice, I think? Not emotionally stirring or anything, but nice that we still have stuff to talk about, and…. probably too rare. Again with the lack of emotional affect about it? Or him? It was fun, I guess, and I am glad to be able to share a range of topics with him and feel like I’ll be listened to and met, but it also doesn’t feel… exciting or real. I wonder if he feels differently. *immediate guilt* idk, it’s not like i can trust him with everything, he doesn’t appear to think much of cultural appropriation or see the shitty things ru paul’s drag race perpetuates. he seems insecure and depressive, though, and i get that, and i have a hard time knowing how to talk to him without coming across as “you are bad” which is not what i want to say at all. is this me being bad @ relationships

my other goal now is to cook more often. we’ve got the materials to make roasted veggies…. i kinda wish i’d go back to making chopped veggies for my mid-morning break snack, bc i’d feel less garbage abt it and it’d be cheaper. there has to be some kind of compromise between tasty/mentally fulfilling and something that shuts my stomach up without being carb-y or fatty or w/e.

so… tomorrow could be p straightforward. work, then run, then drink and work on my new phone (if it arrives ok) while m’s with counselor… i’m gonna need a snack dammit… i shouldn’t underestimate how much setup bullshit might exist. so, freezer bag o’ pasta tomorrow night, or maybe burritos, but not roasted veggies. siiiiiiiigh.

time to figure out an outfit. i need more sweaters that cover me down to my thighs. πŸ˜›



sleeping in my own bed again~ please please please can I wake up when my first alarm goes off please

.. everything I want to write is just me demanding more of myself. which, like, I want to do, but haven’t had a great record of success just making demands and trying to plan. tonight I let myself dick around and failed to make a single thing. it was mildly novel and even enjoyable, pleasant at times, but … i don’t know. i don’t know how i could have better spent my time, only that when i see myself in the mirror, i’m unhappy. today was another day of daydreaming about self-improvement possibilities–this time, I thought about volunteering at a food bank or some shit, spending my time around other people, just fucking showing up and doing something that loosely connects to some kind of “community” of people who live around here and give a shit. or maybe they don’t, who knows? maybe i would go to a food bank and find only a gaggle of pre-meds trying to fill a prereq, or something.

anyway i’m fat and ugly and don’t know shit and have no friends and getting out my scalpel sounds really fucking tempting tonight. if someone happened to notice blood through my clothes tomorrow, at least it would be fucking interesting. right up until some shitbag nt str8 boy called me ps*cho or whatever term they want to stand in for “i have no grasp whatsoever of the variety of mental illnesses and developmental disabilities that can have particular symptoms, and love dismissing people I know as abstracted stereotypes!”

why am i bothering attempting to talk

why am i here

i am not worth existing

P.S. yeah, i should definitely try to find a doctor and get on some fucking wellbutrin.

yes, let’s get hung up on the title

happy Monday! happy continuing to get less sleep than desired~ but maybe at least it’ll be deeper sleep, being by myself and all. sleeping alone a few times (and maybe writing freely about it) seems to have really helped me have more dream-like dreams of late.

.. dammit, I should’ve turned down the heat before I got into bed. dingus.

the end of last week coming into this week was low-key stressful. inwardly. Being at work all the time even when it’s slow leads to daydreaming about what I could be doing, and my lack of benefits or financial security in this position makes me want to find something better. Together, these desires turn into me bullshitting myself about how I’d ~totally~ turn my whole life around, if only I had a bit more time during the day. news flash: I’d just adapt and fill the time with more subsistence tasks that go nowhere. but I did look at a few free online classes that sound interesting/worthwhile: (1) (2) (3) (4)

the thing that’s frustrating is that I want to treat them like… objects, like items in an online shopping cart. only these items will turn into looming expectations as soon as I commit to them all at once. it’s hard to remember how even one really easy online math class was a lot of effort while working full-time, even given the two hours of hands-free commute I had each day. How am I supposed to pick just one when they’re all so entry-level? I want to feel like I’m getting somewhere, like whatever I pick is actually worthwhile and has tangible results. (or at least I think I want to feel like that?)

more than that, how can I take things one online course at a time when I’m already here, a loser with a dead-end job that I’m not qualified for and won’t have the opportunity to learn more about on the job aside from what’s necessary for production. unless i push, and even then, only maybe, and I’ll have to live with the shame evoked by doing all of this in front of the other two dudes in the same role as me. and for what? more production uselessness? it’ll take me time and experimentation to learn a complex piece of software like this, with the (lack of) background I have.

but.. someday, it’s nice to think about. someday, I’ll have insurance and make a comfortable amount of money, so I can donate to all the people I see asking for help on tumblr and the like. someday my job will be more meaningful and connected to the future, and maybe even more defined by me. someday, after taking a single weak-ass online class per quarter for eight years lmao

all that to say, when i took Friday off, I cleaned the house in the morning and then accomplished p much nothing else. I listened to the radio and at one point, they were playing an exclusive vinyl-only remix of This Must Be The Place and I literally stopped fucking myself to go listen to it when I heard it and recognized what it was. I really love that song, in a lot of its iterations.

then… god, then what? the weekend flew by. I slept in way too long on Saturday, and then we….. walked around, visited a nearby cafe that we hadn’t before, went shopping at Target, and got delicious ramen πŸ˜› I played undertale while we ate. on sunday, I lounged around in a depressive slump trying to make myself run. after I ran, my sib came over and m and I were literally in the kitchen the entire time from when he came to when he left. I felt like a bad garbage monster on that one.

for all that it flew by, the extra day really helped this weekend feel satisfying. coming back to work today was kinda weird bc I wasn’t immediately super antsy, successfully resisting the urge to leave early, etc. Of course, having actual enjoyable conversations with my coworkers about politics and shit also helped that, as did having particular tasks to accomplish. neither of those have been guaranteed every day lately.

I wasn’t able to accomplish much today bc lazy, but it’d be good if I kept trying (not tonight, just in general). It seems like it’s right there, but it really ends up being just a feeling/observation… I have a whole wunderlist of stuff I want to/need to/should do. it’s just the tip of the iceberg, tbh, if i really have all these aspirations and goals. I’m really starting to think that I should try wellbutrin, bc honestly more energy + weight loss sounds about my speed. it would be great if something could reliably make me better at keeping doing things without getting upset/exhausted or dissociating. so much to read, so much research to organize, so many half-finished projects to think about.

maybe tomorrow. i don’t think I said everything I wanted, just touched on the basics.